8 Replies Latest reply on May 26, 2010 7:47 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    datatable list of lists



      I have a problem with creating a rich:dataTable from a list of lists (a list containing 3 other lists that each contain 5 objects Waarde)


      private List<List<Waarde>> lijstWaarden;


          public void findLijstWaarden(){
          lijstWaarden = loadWaardenList();



      I did something like this


      <rich:dataTable value="#{lijstWaarden}" var="_list">


           <rich:subTable value="#{_list}" var="_waarde">
                     <h:outputText value="#{_waarde.tekst}" />




      I get all the values in a table, but the problem is that I only get one column! So I have a table with 1 column and 15 rows instead of a table of 3 rows and 5 columns. Is there anyone who has an idea how I can get the right table?




        • 1. Re: datatable list of lists

          I also tried:


          <rich:dataTable value="#{lijstWaarden}" var="_list">


               <a4j:repeat value="#{_list}" var="_waarde">


                         <h:outputText value="#{_waarde.tekst}" />






          but then I don't get any result

          • 2. Re: datatable list of lists

            an example for subTable is available on Richfaces demo site, you can also use nested dataTable, ui:repeat or c:foreach.

            • 3. Re: datatable list of lists

              should be


              <rich:dataTable value="#{lijstWaarden}" var="_list">
                   <c:forEach value="#{_list}" var="_waarde">
                             <h:outputText value="#{_waarde.tekst}" />


              first code snippet output works just as expected. and the usage of repeat to create columns dynamically answered already at this forum and other ones.. e.g. - http://www.ilikespam.com/blog/c:foreach-vs-ui:repeat-in-facelets

              • 4. Re: datatable list of lists
                      <rich:dataTable value="#{lijstWaarden}" var="_list">
                          <c:forEach items="#{_list}" var="_waarde">
                                    <h:outputText value="test2 #{_waarde.tekst}" />

                Thanks for your answer, Ilya.


                I tried c:foreach with items instead of value because that gave an error, so I have something like this:


                but I got an empty table. So I tried this:


                     <rich:dataTable value="#{lijstWaarden}" var="_list">
                               <h:outputText value="test1" />
                          <c:forEach items="#{_list}" var="_waarde">
                                    <h:outputText value="test2 #{_waarde.tekst}" />



                and the result was this:




                so the items in _list are not shown...

                • 5. Re: datatable list of lists

                  check please generated HTML  - if there are c:forEach tags ? maybe you just used wrong namespace?

                  • 6. Re: datatable list of lists


                    <rich:dataTable value="#{lijstWaarden}" var="_list">


                              <h:outputText value="size #{_list.size}" />



                          <c:forEach items="#{_list}" var="_waarde">


                                    <h:outputText value="test2 #{_waarde.tekst}" />






                    As you can see in the html-code, the size of _list is 5 for each of the 3 lists, but there is no sign of the for-each loop...


                    <table id="j_id2:j_id5" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                             <colgroup span="1"></colgroup>
                             <tbody id="j_id2:j_id5:tb">
                              <td id="j_id2:j_id5:0:j_id6">size 5</td>
                              <td id="j_id2:j_id5:1:j_id6">size 5</td>
                              <td id="j_id2:j_id5:2:j_id6">size 5</td>

                    • 7. Re: datatable list of lists

                      Hi Barbara,


                      This code:


                      <rich:dataTable value="#{lijstWaarden}" var="_list">
                                <h:outputText value="size #{_list.size}" />
                            <c:forEach items="#{_list}" var="_waarde">
                                      <h:outputText value="test2 #{_waarde.tekst}" />

                      is not correct. Variable of iteration component like rich:dataTable cannot be used as value for c:forEach.

                      • 8. Re: datatable list of lists

                        Thanks Nick for pointing to my fault.


                        Barbara, sorry please.. yes, c:forEach is the only way define creation of components dynamically declarativelly from the page. But it will not works properly in your case as its creates the components while building/restoring view  and dataTable var - available only at render responce during table encoding.


                        The same limitation exist for columns component - them should not use Var variable of the table according to the same problem.(see the demo - it uses it's own list for columns creation)