0 Replies Latest reply on May 27, 2010 6:36 PM by anil.saldhana

    PicketLink 1.0.3.CR4 released


      Please pick the latest code from downloads section.


      The release notes is:

      Release Notes for PicketLink Federated Identity 
      Includes versions:       PLFED_1.0.3.CR4


      ** Feature Request           
           *                 [ PLFED-64 ]                 Refactor STSType parsing and persist to WSTrustUtil                
           *                 [ PLFED-65 ]                 PicketLinkSTS should look in the local file system for picketlink-sts.xml                
           *                 [ PLFED-67 ]                 IMetadataConfigurationStore -> bootstrap() and cleanup() method                
           *                 [ PLFED-69 ]                 Rename SamlPrincipal to SeamSamlPrincipal                
           *                 [ PLFED-73 ]                 PicketLink Federation Configuration: provide a password masking feature                
           *                 [ PLFED-75 ]                 Add failover to WSTrustClient                

      ** Bug           
           *                 [ PLFED-63 ]                 WSTrust Namespace in WSTrustConstants is wrong                
           *                 [ PLFED-66 ]                 Metadata war has picketlink-idfed.xml with the wrong FQN for metadata provider                
           *                 [ PLFED-68 ]                 ExternalAuthenticator throws NPE in redirect                
           *                 [ PLFED-71 ]                 SubjectConfirmation KeyInfo missing X509Data when public key cert is provided                
           *                 [ PLFED-72 ]                 WSTrustUtil createKeyInfo(Certificate) must encode the certificate before setting it in the KeyInfo                
           *                 [ PLFED-76 ]                 SPPostFormAuthenticator has a stale cast to GenericPrincipal                

      ** Task           
           *                 [ PLFED-43 ]                 STSSecurityHandler: Improve exception/fault handling.                

      ** Release           
           *                 [ PLFED-77 ]                 Release PicketLink Federation 1.0.3.CR4