0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 17, 2009 11:02 AM by samcherv

    extendedDataTable: parameter

      I use RichFaces 3.3.0 and I try to set style="overflow: scroll" for extendedDataTable as follows:

      <rich:extendedDataTable id="dataTable" rows="1000" rowKeyVar="rowKey"
      value="#{assetBean.dataRows}" var="dataRow"
      rendered="#{assetBean.overviewType == 'table'}"
      onRowMouseOut="style.backgroundColor=''" selectionMode="multi"
      tableState="#{assetBean.tableState}" style="overflow:scroll">

      A bottom scroll bar appears but it has no slider and it does not work; a table will remain truncated rights.

      In HTML code I see following divs:

      div class="extdt-maindiv rich-extdt-maindiv" id="modulEditForm:dataTable" style="overflow: scroll; height: 500px;"

      div class="extdt-outerdiv" id="modulEditForm:dataTable:od" style="overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%;"

      What is a goal of the second div and why it sets an overflow-parameter to "hidden"?

      I use a standard ExtendedDataTableRenderer and I see the following code in the lines 228-236:

      writer.startElement("div", component);
      getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class", "extdt-maindiv rich-extdt-maindiv" );
      getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id", clientId );
      getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style", convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("style")) + ";width:" + convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("width")) + ";height:" + convertToString(component.getAttributes().get("height")) );

      writer.startElement("div", component);
      getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "class", "extdt-outerdiv" );
      getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "id", convertToString(clientId) + ":od" );
      getUtils().writeAttribute(writer, "style", "width:100%; height:100%;overflow: hidden;" );