2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2010 12:04 AM by dembuongactro

    HornetQ: How to setup Clustering NOT using UPD Multicast




      I would very much appreciate an example hornetq-configuration.xml file (only the respective sections) for one Server and two Clients in a Cluster Setup NOT using UDP Multicast:


      The Documentation states:

      "If UDP is disabled             on your network you won't be able to use this, and will have  to specify servers             explicitly when setting up a cluster or using a messaging  client..."


      But how do I set them up manually? I was not able to find the directives to use.  The examples and documentation only provide Information about the Broadcast/UDP-Setup.


      Help would be very much appreciated with an example!


      Thank you


        • 1. Re: HornetQ: How to setup Clustering NOT using UPD Multicast

          Hello HornetQ Team,


          well I finally found what I was looking for (much further down).


          I would suggest integrating a link from the sentence I menationed above. This is the first (!!) sentence that one reads about this topic and then one is left alone and does not find any information about the manual/explicity setup.  This is from a usability point of view not ideal. It would be very helpful to integrate a link to the section about manual setup that is much further down in the guide...


          For all thoese that are searching:





          • 2. Re: HornetQ: How to setup Clustering NOT using UPD Multicast

            Hello Jens,


            I only know it.


            I. In short, basically you just need to:

            1. Download HornetQ & set envirement for JBoss EAP 5
            2. Unzip HornetQ to (/u01/apps/JBoss)
            3. Go to examples/jms/queue
                  $ unzip hornetq-2.0.0.GA.zip

            $ cd  /u01/apps/JBoss/hornetq-2.0.0.GA/ config/jboss-as/

            1. Run "./build.sh" with parameter all-with-hornetq

            $ ./build.sh all-with-hornetq

                  We can start JBoss 5 using this profiles:

            $ $JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.sh -c all-with-hornetq


            This starts a server and a client which sends/receive on a JMS Queue

            $ cd /u01/apps/JBoss/hornetq-2.0.0.GA/bin/


            From JBoss AS 6.0 M3 onwards, HornetQ is the default (built-in) JMS provider in JBoss AS, so there's no need to install it - it's already there.