0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 9, 2010 2:52 AM by michal_szymanski

    Axis 1.5 in Jboss 5.1 - problems with app. deployment


      I would like to ask how to deploy .aar when our AXIS2 is installed  od Jboss? Normally in Tomcat  there is directory <axis2  home>\WEB-INF\services where we copy .aar files for deployment but in  Jboss after Axis2.war deployment 'destination directory' is in
      jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\tmp and in last directory name there  are sobe random name. I causes that it is hard to create Ant that copy  .aar to Jboss/Axis2 directory. The question is how to deploy .aar files  on Axis2 where we would like to implement such operation in Ant (we can  use Axis2 admin console but it is not nicest tool) ?
      We found a solution but maybe you know proper one This is a list  what we've made
      - we created directory 'axis2.war' in  <JBOSS_HOME>\server\default\deploy
      -we decompress orginal axis2.war to  <JBOSS_HOME>\server\default\deploy\axis2.war


      After these steps we have directory 'services' in  <JBOSS_HOME>\server\default\deploy\axis2.war and in this directory  we can put .aar .It  works but it is kind of workaround, if you know  proper workflow  let me know.


      Michal Szymanski