15. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
adinn Jun 10, 2010 7:27 AM (in response to adinn)Ok, I wrote a little byteman script to trace calls to EndpointAssociation.setEndpoint and EndpointAssociation.getEndpoint:
# rules to track calls to getEndpoint and setEndpoint in CXF code
RULE trace setEndpoint
CLASS EndpointAssociation
METHOD setEndpoint
DO trace("foo", "setEndpoint(" + $1.getName() + ")\n" + formatStack())
RULE trace getEndpoint
CLASS EndpointAssociation
METHOD getEndpoint
DO trace("foo", "getEndpoint() ==> " + $!.getName() + "\n" + formatStack())
ENDRULEWhen I ran my tests with this script installed I got a few cases where successive gets and sets were using different endpoints. Here is a dump of the (filtered and reformatted) trace output:
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATParticipantService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-1 // n.b. worker 1 from participant executor
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> ActivationService
Stack trace for thread http-
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> RegistrationService
Stack trace for thread http-
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> CompletionCoordinator
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-1
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> CompletionInitiator
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-2 // n.b. worker 2 from initiator executor
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATInitiatorService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-2. . .
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> RegistrationService
Stack trace for thread http-
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> RegistrationService
Stack trace for thread http-
setEndpoint(Interop11ATInitiatorService) // hmm, call is to initiator service
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATParticipantService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-1 // oops wrong worker and endpoint!
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> ActivationService
Stack trace for thread http-
setEndpoint(Interop11ATParticipantService) // hmm, call is participant service
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATInitiatorService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-2 // wrong worker and endpoint again!
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> ActivationService
Stack trace for thread http-
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATParticipantService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-3. . .
So, worker thread 1 was added under a call to the participant service and hence has this endpoint in its inherited therad local. However it appears to get reused to handle the initiator calls later. How so? I added some trace rules to see what exector was being used:
RULE trace getExecutor return value
CLASS ContextUtils
METHOD getExecutor
DO traceln("foo", "getExecutor() ==> " + $!)
RULE trace getExecutor internal
CLASS ContextUtils
METHOD getExecutor
AFTER CALL getNamedWorkQueue
DO traceln("foo", "getExecutor called getNamedWorkQueue")
RULE trace getExecutor internal 2
CLASS ContextUtils
METHOD getExecutor
AFTER CALL getAutomaticWorkQueue
DO traceln("foo", "getExecutor called getAutomaticWorkQueue")
RULE trace getExecutor internal 3
CLASS ContextUtils
METHOD getExecutor
AFTER CALL getInstance
DO traceln("foo", "getExecutor called getInstance")
ENDRULEThis first rule prints the return value on the stack ($!) when getExecutor is about to return i.e. at the point where the original handler thread is queueing the runnable to execute the handed off message. The remaining rles show the path followed through the code. Here is the output
Stack trace for thread http-
getExecutor called getNamedWorkQueue
getExecutor called getAutomaticWorkQueue
getExecutor() ==> org.apache.cxf.workqueue.AutomaticWorkQueueImpl@ea16c [queue size: 0, max size: 256, threads: 0, active threads: 0, low water mark: 5, high water mark: 25]
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATParticipantService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-1
. . .
Stack trace for thread http-
getExecutor called getNamedWorkQueue
getExecutor called getAutomaticWorkQueue
getExecutor() ==> org.apache.cxf.workqueue.AutomaticWorkQueueImpl@ea16c [queue size: 0, max size: 256, threads: 1, active threads: 0, low water mark: 5, high water mark: 25]
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATInitiatorService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-2
. . .
Stack trace for thread http-
getExecutor called getNamedWorkQueue
getExecutor called getAutomaticWorkQueue
getExecutor() ==> org.apache.cxf.workqueue.AutomaticWorkQueueImpl@ea16c [queue size: 0, max size: 256, threads: 2, active threads: 0, low water mark: 5, high water mark: 25]
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATParticipantService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-3
. . .
Stack trace for thread http-
getExecutor called getNamedWorkQueue
getExecutor called getAutomaticWorkQueue
getExecutor() ==> org.apache.cxf.workqueue.AutomaticWorkQueueImpl@ea16c [queue size: 0, max size: 256, threads: 5, active threads: 0, low water mark: 5, high water mark: 25]
Stack trace for thread http-
getEndpoint() ==> Interop11ATInitiatorService
Stack trace for thread default-workqueue-2
. . .As you can see the code fetrches an automatic qork queue by calling getAutomaticWorkQueue and this is clearly allocated once per service rather than onced per endpoint. the result is that workpool threads inherit one endpoint when they are added to the pool but when they are reused they are given a message which is associated with a different endpoint.
16. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
asoldano Jun 10, 2010 10:42 AM (in response to adinn)Andrew, thanks for the great analysis. In few words, it seems to me that what your tests reveal is that the threadlocal solution for getting the jbossws-spi endpoint in the jbossws custom invoker cannot work in the asynch dispatch happening in usecases like yours.
I'm thinking of an alternative solution; it should be possible to use the Exchange associated to a given message as the mean for shipping the endpoint instance to the invoker. I'm thinking of using a custom ServletDestination for adding the endpoint to the exchange after it's been created. I'll try this later today or early tomorrow morning, then I'll most probably need you to help again with testing the solution.
Thanks for now
17. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
adinn Jun 10, 2010 10:52 AM (in response to asoldano)Alessio Soldano wrote:
Andrew, thanks for the great analysis. In few words, it seems to me that what your tests reveal is that the threadlocal solution for getting the jbossws-spi endpoint in the jbossws custom invoker cannot work in the asynch dispatch happening in usecases like yours.
yes, that pretty much sums it up.
Alessio Soldano wrote:
Thanks for now
A simpler solution might be to store the current endpoint in the runnable created in ContextUtils.rebaseResponse and then restore it when processing continues i.e.
final Endpoint ep = EndpointAssociation,.getEndpoint()
// pause dispatch on current thread ...
getExecutor(inMessage).execute(new Runnable() {
Endpoint savedEp = ep;
public void run() {
});Of course this also means that EndpointAssociation can be changed to use a conventional ThreadLocal rather than an InheritedThreadLocal to hold the association.
18. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
asoldano Jun 10, 2010 10:57 AM (in response to adinn)Andrew Dinn wrote:
A simpler solution might be to store the current endpoint in the runnable created in ContextUtils.rebaseResponse and then restore it when processing continues i.e.
final Endpoint ep = EndpointAssociation,.getEndpoint()
// pause dispatch on current thread ...
getExecutor(inMessage).execute(new Runnable() {
Endpoint savedEp = ep;
public void run() {
});Of course this also means that EndpointAssociation can be changed to use a conventional ThreadLocal rather than an InheritedThreadLocal to hold the association.
Yes, this would be simpler, but ContextUtils lives in Apache CXF which of course cannot use JBossWS stuff directly. Hence the need for adding the Endpoint reference while we're still in jbossws code, so that we can later find it in the invoker once CXF returns control to JBossWS (in a different thread)
I'll see what we can do in any case
19. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
asoldano Jun 10, 2010 3:40 PM (in response to asoldano)Alessio Soldano wrote:
I'm thinking of an alternative solution; it should be possible to use the Exchange associated to a given message as the mean for shipping the endpoint instance to the invoker. I'm thinking of using a custom ServletDestination for adding the endpoint to the exchange after it's been created. I'll try this later today or early tomorrow morning, then I'll most probably need you to help again with testing the solution.
Using a custom ServletDestion actually also requires redefining the ServletDefinitionFactory, hence it's not that a brilliant solution.
Another (most probably) better idea I'm currently evaluating is installing a custom interceptor early in the server incoming chain (the MAPAggregator runs at PRE_LOGICAL phase, so any time before that should be fine). That interceptor would populate the the current Exchange with the Endpoint, which we should be able to safely retrieve using the thread local at that point (no new thread created or access to thread pool yet).
20. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
asoldano Jun 10, 2010 4:41 PM (in response to asoldano)I've committed a patch for this issue. Andrew, once the full testsuite has run, could you please give the latest jbossws-cxf trunk a try?
21. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
asoldano Jun 11, 2010 4:58 PM (in response to adinn)OK, fixed and added testcase to our jbossws-cxf testsuite. Thanks again for the analysis. Please try the latest trunk and see if it solves your failures too. I'm thinking about doing a quick release for this issue just before code freeze for AS 6 M4.
22. Re: XTS tests broken in AS trunk after switch to CXF stack in 3.3.0
adinn Jun 14, 2010 3:42 AM (in response to asoldano)HI Alessio,
Thanks for the quick fix. I'll try to test it as soon as possible but that will probably be tomorrow (Tuesday) rather than today.