7 Replies Latest reply on Jun 28, 2010 7:26 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat




      I have some problems using a custom Facelets tag (extending UIComponentBase) inside a a4j:repeat loop. Outside of the loop, everything works fine. Inside the loop, the tag is ignored and no content rendered inside the page.

      While debugging, I see that the tag's encodeAll() method is not triggered at all, so I think I am missing something.


      Does my tag have to extend some Ajax4JSF class in order to work inside the A4J loop?


      We use JSF2 with RF 3.3.3.Final .


      Thanks in advance,



        • 1. Re: Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat
          Does my tag have to extend some Ajax4JSF class in order to work inside the A4J loop?

          No. a4j:repeat - could be used for f: and h: and myfaces tags for example and them not depends on any a4j classes.


          So need to look more to your impl.

          • 2. Re: Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat

            We noted that is does not depend on any attribute/parameter that I pass inside the tag, because even without any attribute the encodeAll() is not triggered.


            I will try to create a very small piece of an example to simplify the examination.

            • 3. Re: Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat

              BTW, in the "real-world" page we use dozens of h:outputText inside the a4j:repeat, so this indeed works. Maybe my custom component is just something missing.

              I made an reduced example which also reproduces this error:


              Custom component:


              public class TestComponent extends UIComponentBase
                  public String getFamily()
                      return null;
                  public void encodeAll(FacesContext ctx) throws IOException








              <f:view contentType="text/html">
                          <a4j:repeat value="#{testBean.items}" var="item">
                              #{item} <test:test />
                          Output below list:<test:test />                


              Managed bean, just created for using inside a4j:repeat loop:

              public class TestBean
                  private List<String> items;
                  public void init()
                      List<String> items = new ArrayList<String>();
                      this.items = items;
                  public List<String> getItems()
                      return items;



              This will generate the following output (note that the tag outside of the a4j:repeat is rendered correctly):


              Output below list:test
              • 4. Re: Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat

                probably some problems with namespace definition or taglib declaration. In order to check follow simple steps:

                • open test page
                • call "show page HTML source" from browser menu
                • verify if there are

                     <test:test />

                     tags in generated HTML. If them present - tag was just not identified.

                • 5. Re: Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat

                  The tag is resolved, because you can see the "test" output at the last line. Also, here is the HTML source:


                                      <br />
                                      <br />
                                      <br />
                                 Output below list:test                    
                  • 6. Re: Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat

                    Can I provide any additional information about the problem?

                    • 7. Re: Custom Facelets tag ignored inside a4j:repeat

                      sample in war with java sources would be great.