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1. Re: PojoCache Roadmap?
mircea.markus Jun 30, 2010 9:42 AM (in response to martinstro)PojoCache is in maintenance at the moment; no new features to be implemented.
PojoCache is to be replaced by an JPA-like interface in Infinispan 5.0: no bite bytecode weaving, maintain etc.
2. Re: PojoCache Roadmap?
db_at_work Nov 30, 2011 11:26 AM (in response to mircea.markus)Hi Mircea,
I downloaded the 5.1-beta release of Infinispan yesterday, it seems like there is still no replacement for JBossCache "PojoCache" with fine-grained replication.
Could you please tell me if I'm wrong? And if so, would you mind to show me some sample code to use this feature?
If I'm not wrong and this feature is still not implemented yet, could you tell me if that's still scheduled for a later release (which one?)
3. Re: PojoCache Roadmap?
manik Dec 1, 2011 7:50 AM (in response to db_at_work)This work has been spun off into a new project, under the Hibernate umbrella. See Hibernate OGM.