2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 21, 2009 11:41 AM by nbelaevski

    question regd a4j keepAlive


      I wrote a test pages -page 1 and page 2 both using request scoped beans and using a4j keep alive..both pages have a button to navigate to/from each other and a counter variable for display
      and it works
      Then i added a binding attribute to the text field i see that the behaviuor is some what different even though it is persisting the counter value the constructor of the bean that is being kept alive is invoked very time ...is this expected?

      does a4j keep alive keep any request bean alive no matter how complex it is or are there any limitations on it ?

      i shall post more info wen i get to work ..

        • 1. Re: question regd a4j keepAlive

          hi can some one please confirm on the statement below...

          even though using a4j :keepAlive it is persisting the member values in the bean , the constructor of this bean that is being kept alive is invoked very time ...is this expected?

          thanks very much

          • 2. Re: question regd a4j keepAlive


            Yes, a4j:keepAlive stores bean values in view state, so it is serialized. That's why constructor is called for subsequent requests.