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1. Re: External SOAP client fails due to httpheader issue
tfennelly Jun 15, 2010 5:11 PM (in response to davesiracusa)Ah... sounds like that should be relaxed perhaps.... can you create a JIRA for this please?
A workaround for you might be to override the HttpMessageComposer class.
2. Re: External SOAP client fails due to httpheader issue
davesiracusa Jun 16, 2010 8:37 AM (in response to tfennelly)Hi Tom
I tried...Jira requires me to login (again), and it gives me a login error. I have the same problem when trying to sign a cla.
I reported this 3-4 weeks ago, there were a few replies none of them resolved the problem. Nothing in the site logs.
3. Re: External SOAP client fails due to httpheader issue
skoussou Jun 18, 2010 1:07 PM (in response to tfennelly)Jira Created about this