1. Re: Regression on setRollbackOnly
marklittle Jun 22, 2010 1:48 PM (in response to wolfc)Are you sure it's SystemException and not something like InactiveTransactionException or InvalidTerminationStateException, both of which are derived from SystemException?
I'll ignore the opportunity to ask why something would want to call setRollbackOnly in afterCompletion ;-) 'cause that's a bit like putting your seatbelt on after the car has crashed.
2. Re: Regression on setRollbackOnly
wolfc Jun 22, 2010 2:07 PM (in response to marklittle)Are you sure it's SystemException and not something like InactiveTransactionException or InvalidTerminationStateException, both of which are derived from SystemException?
Ehr, I get an InactiveTransactionException which is a SystemException. To me InactiveTransactionException doesn't really exist as it's not part of the spec.
I'll ignore the opportunity to ask why something would want to call setRollbackOnly in afterCompletion ;-) 'cause that's a bit like putting your seatbelt on after the car has crashed.
Ignoring your ignorance :-) , I completely agree and it's not an user scenario nor a support case. Some test tool that likes splitting straws.
3. Re: Regression on setRollbackOnly
marklittle Jun 22, 2010 5:27 PM (in response to wolfc)OK, so the reason we now throw InactiveTransactionException is because (as the JIRA states) IllegalStateException has a well defined meaning according to JTA "Thrown if the current thread is not associated with a transaction." In this case there is a transaction associated with the calling thread, it's just that it's no longer active. OTS correctly differentiates these cases, but once again JTA is broken in this regard
So what we did was provide a new SystemException to try to allow for the differentiation in the case someone codes against our specific exceptions as well as those who don't care and only catch SystemExceptions (or not). I didn't like the idea of deriving from IllegalStateException because in the case of users who only catch that exception rather than, say, an InactiveTransactionException that is derived from ISE, their code may assume one thing (no transaction) when in fact that's not the case. At least with an exception derived from SE code cannot make any assumption about the thread-to-transaction association.
4. Re: Regression on setRollbackOnly
marklittle Jun 22, 2010 5:34 PM (in response to marklittle)Replying to my own reply ;-)
It's clear that the brain-dead JTA specification text around Transaction.setRollbackOnly doesn't consider the case of an inactive transaction when in fact it should, since to have a Transaction reference it doesn't make sense for IllegalStateException to mean "Thrown if the current thread is not associated with a transaction." If that were the case then Transaction should be null.
Plus it doesn't work in a multi-threaded environment, particularly if checked transaction semantics are disabled.
So it may make sense for derive from ISE rather than SE.
Let me sleep on this, or at least have a few beers.
5. Re: Regression on setRollbackOnly
marklittle Jun 22, 2010 7:34 PM (in response to marklittle)OK, I made a change (https://jira.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-754). You'll need to check with Jonathan as to when this can be made available.