3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 2, 2010 4:59 AM by david.salter

    How to deploy a war?


      When I copy a war to the deploy folder I often get an error that that the zip is corrupt - like 1 out of 4 times with the same war file. Then I have to restart the server.


      I have tried to move the file instead of copying to the deploy folder. Then I get another error:


      Unable to remove existing file C:\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\deploy\my.war


      Failure rate of move is roughly the same as with copy.


      The file is 3Mb, deploying on windows 7 64bit, jboss 5.1.0ga running on hotspot jvm 1.6.0_20 32bit.


      What is the right way to deploy a war file?