1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 5, 2010 7:10 AM by manik

    Propagate Transport Events


      I was wondering if it is possible to propagate transport events. This is related to the last couple of posts I have made, but I'm trying to treat each issue in an abstract manner.


      In the event that a merge fails, it would be nice to use a listener to react to that. In our case, we may decide to restart the DefaultCacheManager as stated in my previous post so that we can force a new join.


      However, I think being able to react to these types of events would be useful not only in our case but in others as well.

        • 1. Re: Propagate Transport Events

          At the moment the only transport event you can register for is a view change.  You could register with the JGroups channel directly and listen for JGroups MergeViews, but it is pretty hacky to get a hold of the JGroups channel as we don't expose this from the API.


          We plan to handle and propagate MergeViews eventually - see ISPN-263