0 Replies Latest reply on Mar 24, 2009 3:55 PM by landho

    Scrollable data table and header


      I have problem with displaying table header in scrollable data table when using Mozzila. In Internet Explorer headers are rendered perfectly but in Mozzila they are not visible at all. I saw that in richfaces live demo application headers are perfectly rendered both in IE and Mozzila,so this must be possible. Here is part of my xhtml that uses scrollableDataTable:

      <rich:tabPanel switchType="client" height="250px" contentClass="dokument_stavke">
       <rich:tab name="tabGume" label="#{lab.GUMA_TITLE}">
       <rich:scrollableDataTable rowKeyVar="rkv" height="250px" width="100%" headerClass="headerTabStavke"
       id="listaGuma" rows="10"
       value="#{bean.stavkeGume}" var="lista">
       <rich:column id="sifra" sortable="false">
       <f:facet name="header">
       <h:outputText styleClass="headerText" value="#{lab.SIFARNIK_SIFRA}" />