2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2010 4:44 AM by toytoytoy

    rich:panelMenu covers my other component


      Hey there,


      I have a panelGrid, with a header, menu (left), work (right) area, and footer. My problem is that if i open my menuGroup(s), the menu gets underneath its borders (the containing grids borders), and covers the footer. I cant figure out a way the solve this, becouse i cant make it eather scollable, and i also cannot make the containing grids height dynamic... i dont even know what im expecting fot a good behaivor, but its obv not good this way :-)


      Am i missing something here?



        • 1. Re: rich:panelMenu covers my other component



          Please post screenshot and page code.

          • 2. Re: rich:panelMenu covers my other component

            the first page is the closed menu, then the menu when its opened. you can see how the menu covert the footer.


            ive also tried to copy only the relevant code here:


            <t:panelGrid id="main" columns="1" styleClass="mainFrame"
                cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                <h:form id="StatusForm">
                    . some not relevant code


                <t:panelGrid columns="2" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                    <h:form id="MenuForm">
                        <t:panelGroup styleClass="menu">
                            <rich:panelMenu style="width:195px" mode="ajax"
                                iconExpandedGroup="triangleDown" iconCollapsedGroup="triangle"
                                iconExpandedTopGroup="chevronUp" iconGroupTopPosition="right"
                                <rich:panelMenuItem label="#{msg.button_exit}"
                                    action="#{menuBean.logout}" />
                                . some not relevant code
                        <rich:panel id="work" styleClass="workPanel"
                            <a4j:include viewId="#{menuBean.workPanel}" />


                <t:panelGrid styleClass="mainFooter" columns="2"
                    style="height: 25px; width: 100%">
                    . some not relevant code