6 Replies Latest reply on Jul 14, 2010 5:59 PM by nbelaevski

    a4j:support reRender attribute doesn't work on Explorer


      Hi, i'm facing a strange issue. I want to show a detail modal panel from a datatable clicking on a row, but it seems that the reRender attribute of some a4j tags (in the example there's a4j:support but i have tried with commandButton and commandLink too) doesn't work on Internet Explorer. It works perfectly on fireFox.


      Here's my code:


      <rich:dataTable value="#{journelingList}" var="journeling"

                  rendered="#{not empty journelingList}"




                  <a:support event="onRowClick"


                      oncomplete="#{rich:component('pnl')}.show()" reRender="myModalDiv">

                      <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{journeling}"

                          target="#{journelingDataRetriever.selectedJournaling}" />



                  <f:facet name="header">


                          <rich:column rowspan="2">


                              <h:outputText value="Correlation ID" />


                          <rich:column colspan="3">

                              <h:outputText value="Execution Time" />


                          <rich:column rowspan="2">

                              <h:outputText value="Result" />



                          <rich:column breakBefore="true">

                              <h:outputText value="Start" />



                              <h:outputText value="End" />



                              <h:outputText value="dt" />













                      <h:outputText value="#{journeling.startTime}"></h:outputText>



                      <h:outputText value="#{journeling.endTime}"></h:outputText>



                      <h:outputText value="#{journeling.dt}"></h:outputText>



                      <h:outputText value="#{journeling.result}"></h:outputText>






              <rich:modalPanel id="pnl" autosized="true" minWidth="500">

                  <f:facet name="header">



                  <f:facet name="controls">


                          <h:graphicImage value="/img/close.png" styleClass="hidelink"

                              id="hidelink" />

                          <rich:componentControl for="pnl" attachTo="hidelink"

                              operation="hide" event="onclick" />




                      <a:outputPanel id="myModalDiv">




                                  <td><b>Correlation ID: </b></td>


                                      value="#{journelingDataRetriever.selectedJournaling.correlationId}" />





                                  <td><b>Business Process:</b></td>

                                  <td>Scratch Card</td>

                                  <!-- TODO -->



                                  <td><b>Execution Time:</b></td>











      When i click on the row of the datatable, on explorer it seems that the journelingDataRetriever.initJournelingDetailList method is not called and the modal panel shows void informations. On firefox it works great. I'm using seam, and I have tried with RichFaces 3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3 facing the same problem.


      Could someone help me please? Thanks so much!

        • 1. Re: a4j:support reRender attribute doesn't work on Explorer

          Hi Dario,


          Please add a4j:log to the page and check if there are any errors/warnings there.

          • 2. Re: a4j:support reRender attribute doesn't work on Explorer

            Hi Nick, thanks for your suggestion, but the a4j:log doesn'work on explorer. It's because there's another strange beahvior of my application on Internet Explorer. As i press any key on the keyboard, a javascript popup appears showing "Out Of Memory at line 3162" message, and it happens also pressing CTRL+SHIFT+L for opening  the a4j log popup and the javascript popup doesn't allow to open the a4j log popup.

            In Firefox everything works also 4 the a4j log and that strange javascript popup doesn't appear. Any suggestion? Thanks.

            • 3. Re: a4j:support reRender attribute doesn't work on Explorer

              Ok, i had the a4j:log on the template and it caused the out of memory error, anyway i can't put the a4j:log to debug the page on explorer as it cause this out of memory error.

              I wait for suggestions for the problem of the reRender attribute.



              • 4. Re: a4j:support reRender attribute doesn't work on Explorer

                Try setting popup="false".

                • 5. Re: a4j:support reRender attribute doesn't work on Explorer
                  Ok, thanks, this is my log when i click on a row of a datatable
                  debug[14:30:10,203]: Have Event  [object Object] with properties: target: undefined, srcElement: [object], type:  click
                  debug[14:30:10,234]: Query preparation  for form 'j_id38' requested
                  debug[14:30:10,281]: Append hidden  control j_id38:j_id43:j_id45 with value [j_id38:j_id43:j_id45] and value  attribute [j_id38:j_id43:j_id45]
                  debug[14:30:10,328]: Append text  control j_id38:j_id43:j_id45:businessProcess with value [] and value attribute  []
                  debug[14:30:10,343]: Append text  control j_id38:j_id43:j_id45:correlationId with value [] and value attribute  []
                  debug[14:30:10,375]: Append text  control j_id38:j_id43:j_id45:startDateInputDate with value [] and value  attribute []
                  debug[14:30:10,390]: Append hidden  control j_id38:j_id43:j_id45:startDateInputCurrentDate with value [07/2010] and  value attribute [07/2010]
                  debug[14:30:10,421]: Append text  control j_id38:j_id43:j_id45:endDateInputDate with value [] and value attribute  []
                  debug[14:30:10,437]: Append hidden  control j_id38:j_id43:j_id45:endDateInputCurrentDate with value [07/2010] and  value attribute [07/2010]
                  debug[14:30:10,468]: Append hidden  control javax.faces.ViewState with value [j_id8] and value attribute  [j_id8]
                  debug[14:30:10,484]: parameter  j_id38:j_id43:j_id91:0:j_id92 with value j_id38:j_id43:j_id91:0:j_id92
                  debug[14:30:10,500]: Look up queue  with default name
                  debug[14:30:10,531]: NEW AJAX REQUEST  !!! with form: j_id38
                  debug[14:30:10,562]: Start  XmlHttpRequest
                  debug[14:30:10,578]: Request state :  1
                  debug[14:30:10,593]: QueryString:  AJAXREQUEST=_viewRoot&j_id38_link_hidden_=%5Bobject%5D&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45=j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45%3AbusinessProcess=&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45%3AcorrelationId=&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45%3AstartDateInputDate=&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45%3AstartDateInputCurrentDate=07%2F2010&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45%3AendDateInputDate=&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id45%3AendDateInputCurrentDate=07%2F2010&javax.faces.ViewState=j_id8&j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id91%3A0%3Aj_id92=j_id38%3Aj_id43%3Aj_id91%3A0%3Aj_id92&
                  debug[14:30:11,609]: Request state :  2
                  debug[14:30:11,640]: Request state :  3
                  debug[14:30:11,656]: Request state :  4
                  debug[14:30:11,671]: Request end with  state 4
                  debug[14:30:11,687]: Response  with  content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
                  debug[14:30:11,718]: Full response  content: <?xml version="1.0"?><html  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta  name="Ajax-Update-Ids" content="" /><title></title><link  class="user"  href="/cem-console/a4j/s/3_3_2.SR1stylesheet/theme.xcss/DATB/eAErSw-PD10-QxoADwIDQw__"  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link  href="/cem-console/stylesheet/theme.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"  /><link href="/cem-console/stylesheet/cem.css"  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link  href="/cem-console/stylesheet/journeling.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"  /></head><body><span id="ajax-view-state"><input  type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState" id="javax.faces.ViewState"  value="j_id8" /></span><meta id="Ajax-Response" name="Ajax-Response"  content="true" /></body></html>
                  debug[14:30:11,765]: Header  Ajax-Expired not found, search in <meta>
                  debug[14:30:11,781]: search for  elements by name 'meta'  in element #document
                  debug[14:30:11,812]: Find <meta  name='Ajax-Update-Ids' content=''>
                  debug[14:30:11,828]: Find <meta  name='Ajax-Response' content='true'>
                  debug[14:30:11,843]: Header  Ajax-Update-Ids not found, search in <meta>
                  debug[14:30:11,875]: search for  elements by name 'meta'  in element #document
                  debug[14:30:11,890]: Find <meta  name='Ajax-Update-Ids' content=''>
                  warn[14:30:11,921]: No information in  response about elements to replace
                  debug[14:30:11,937]: call  selectSingleNode for id= org.ajax4jsf.oncomplete
                  debug[14:30:11,953]: Call local  oncomplete function after processing updates
                  debug[14:30:11,968]: call  selectSingleNode for id= ajax-view-state
                  debug[14:30:12,000]: Hidden JSF state  fields:
                  debug[14:30:12,015]: Namespace for  hidden view-state input fields is undefined
                  debug[14:30:12,343]: search for  elements by name 'input'  in element span
                  debug[14:30:12,359]: Replace value for  inputs: 20 by new values: 1
                  debug[14:30:12,390]: Input in  response: javax.faces.ViewState
                  debug[14:30:12,421]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
                  debug[14:30:12,453]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
                  debug[14:30:12,468]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
                  debug[14:30:12,500]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
                  debug[14:30:12,531]: search for  elements by name 'INPUT'  in element span
                  debug[14:30:12,546]: Replace value for  inputs: 20 by new values: 0
                  debug[14:30:12,562]: call  selectSingleNode for id= _A4J.AJAX.focus
                  debug[14:30:12,593]: No focus  information in response
                  debug[14:30:12,609]: call  selectSingleNode for id= _ajax:data
                  • 6. Re: a4j:support reRender attribute doesn't work on Explorer

                    Well, response doesn't contain any information about items to update. Can you please post information logged from Firefox for comparison?