4 Replies Latest reply on Jul 20, 2010 10:04 AM by jep

    Possibility of mixing load balancers ?




      Is it possible to mix different balancers in the same VirtualHost. I mean using mod_cluster with proxy_balancer as follow:



      <VirtualHost *:80>
           ServerName  XXX.XXX.XXX
           <Proxy balancer://ags_cluster>


               # You can load balance over just one server and still utilize the benefit of the caching

               BalancerMember http://gis2008-gpu1:8399 route=ags_worker1 loadfactor=50 keepalive=on

               BalancerMember http://gis2008-gpu2:8399 route=ags_worker2 loadfactor=50 keepalive=on

               ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests




          <Location /arcgis/>

              ProxyPass balancer://ags_cluster/arcgis/




          # === Everything else should go to the JBoss balancer

          ProxyPass /  balancer://jboss_cluster  stickysession=JSESSIONID  nofailover=Off





        • 1. Re: Possibility of mixing load balancers ?

          mod_proxy_balancer can't be used with mod_cluster. So that won't work for the moment.

          • 2. Re: Possibility of mixing load balancers ?

            Thank you for your reply.


            In fact I'd like to use a httpd Apache web server (on server 1) to load-balance:


            a) 2 JBoss AS with mod_cluster (server 2 and 3)

            b) 2 httpd Apache web servers (server 2 and 3)

            c) 2 ArcGIS Server (middlewares deployed with Tomcat, see here) (server 2 and 3)


            How could I achieve this ? Do I have to get rid of "mod_cluster" and use only "proxy_balancer" ?




            • 3. Re: Possibility of mixing load balancers ?

              You can't.


              For the

              c) 2 ArcGIS Server (middlewares deployed with Tomcat,

              it would be possible to use mod_cluster (2 jars + some configuration).


              For the


              b) 2 httpd Apache web servers

              that is not possible: you would need a module that sends mcmp messsage to the front-end. Such a module doesn't exist yep but would be easy to create (JIRA?).

              • 4. Re: Possibility of mixing load balancers ?

                Thank you for your reply,


                so I'm stuck to "mod_proxy_balancer" for now.


