3 Replies Latest reply on Jul 21, 2010 10:05 AM by somefatman

    ModalPanel Hide Issue


      In my application I have users clicking on a button to add a new entry into our database.  This button displays a rich:modalPanel which contains some fields.  When they click a button "add" my backing bean does some validation of the entered data.  If I find something wrong I want to show an error message on the modal Panel.

      here is my code:


      {code}<rich:modalPanel id="panel">

      <f:facet name="controls">
                  <h:outputLabel value="X"   id="hidelink"/>
                  <r:componentControl  id="hidelinkControl" for="panel" attachTo="hidelink" operation="hide"  event="onclick" />

                <div id="message" align="center"><h:messages id="entryError" errorClass="errorMessage"  /></div>

                <!--- some feilds -->

               <h:commandButton value=" ADD " action="#{controller.add}">
                     <a:support event="onClick" reRender="entryError" />



      in my backing bean:

      {code}private HtmlModalPanel panel;


      public void add() {

           if (entred values not valid) {

                addErrorMessage("All coverage fields required to add a coverage.");



      private void addErrorMessage(String msg) {

           FacesMessage facesMsg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, msg, msg);

           FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

           fc.addMessage(panel.getClientId(fc), facesMsg);



      The problem with this is that when add is clicked the modalPanel is hidden.  If I click on the button to show the modalPanel again i will see it with the error message displayed.  Is there some way to keep the modalPanel from hiding when I rerender a specific part (the h:messages)?

        • 1. Re: ModalPanel Error Messages causing hide

          Actually, I am also having the same problem with a table I added to the modalPanel.

          The panel's code is now:


          {code}<rich:modalPanel id="panel">
               <f:facet name="controls">


                      <h:outputLabel value="X"   id="hidelink"/>

                      <r:componentControl  id="hidelinkControl" for="panel" attachTo="hidelink" operation="hide"  event="onclick" />



                    <div id="message" align="center"><h:messages id="entryError" errorClass="errorMessage"  /></div>
                    <!--- some feilds -->
                   <h:commandButton value=" ADD " action="#{controller.add}">

                         <a:support event="onClick" reRender="entryError, table" />


                    <r:scrollableDataTable id="table" >

                    <!--columns -->



          When I click the add button, a row is to be added to the table in the backing bean.  A row is added but the panel closes after the button is clicked.

          • 2. Re: ModalPanel Error Messages causing hide

            Hi Doug,


            Try removing a4j:support and replacing h:commandLink with a4j:commandLink.

            • 3. Re: ModalPanel Error Messages causing hide

              Thanks, that solved the problem.