1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 28, 2010 11:04 AM by dward

    null transport for soapaction




      I am new to JBoss ESB, i have created one ESB project in the Jboss developer and i have Jboss 5.0 server.


      I have attached the jboss-esb.xml file... where in we use soap proxy and have given the wsdl, in which the endpoint is been metioned.


      when hitting this ESB via a main program i am getting the exception which is been attached


      can any one please help me out to resolve this exception and revert me back if any further information required



      Prakash S

        • 1. Re: null transport for soapaction



          This is an ESB user forum question, not a developer forum question.


          Still, I can attempt to help, if:

          1. Required: you provide me with your WSDL (CustomerIdentityRequest.wsdl)

          2. Required: you provide me with your full server.log, at INFO level.

          3. Optional: you provide me with a sample HTTP request, including all headers and body


          What is happening is that the SOAPProxy could not find a match between soapaction->binding, or operation->binding.  Providing me with the information above will help me tell you WHY.


