0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 26, 2010 3:54 PM by khisanthmagus

    Strange display problem with ExtendedDataTable's context menu


      I'm not sure what is causing this.  I am using JBoss Developer Studio 3.0.0.GA running the JBoss EAP server.  I am trying to replace our existing rich:dataTable with a rich:extendedDataTable for the additional features, particularlly the show/hide columns and filters.  I first tried using it will our full datatable, but now I have pruned it down until there is very little remaining to try and rule out what we are doing in the table as a cause.  This is the remaining code I have in the table


          <rich:column label="Type">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{propertiesBundle.itemSearchType}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{searchResult.type}"/>
          <rich:column label="Language">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{propertiesBundle.itemSearchLanguage}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{searchResult.itemLanguage}"/>
          <rich:column label="Folder Name">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{propertiesBundle.itemSearchItemGroup}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{searchResult.itemGroupName}" title="#{searchResult.itemGroupPath}" />
          <rich:column visible="false" label="Created By">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{propertiesBundle.itemSearchCreatedBy}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{searchResult.createdBy}"/>
          <rich:column visible="false" label="Created On">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{propertiesBundle.itemSearchCreatedOn}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{searchResult.createdOn}" />
          <rich:column visible="false" label="Updated By">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{propertiesBundle.itemSearchUpdatedBy}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{searchResult.updatedBy}"/>
          <rich:column visible="false" label="Updated On">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="#{propertiesBundle.itemSearchUpdatedOn}" />
              <h:outputText value="#{searchResult.updatedOn}" />


      Attached is a screenshot of what is happening.  Basically, for some reason the Group by and Column selection parts of the context menu are being rendered underneath the datatable as part of the page itself.  If you open more than one context menu(as in open the context menu on column 1 then column 2) it will add the Group by and Column selection selections beneat those of column 1.  This is really a huge problem.  I'm not sure this happened on the old veresion of JBoss EAP.  Has anyone else encountered this?