1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 12, 2010 6:36 PM by anil.saldhana





      I am having a problem with getting the WebAuthentication capablity in JBoss 5.1 to work correctly. I have written a custom login module that is correctly getting called with the code below.  However, after the call below, methods such as getRemoteUser() and getUserPrincipalName() are still empty. Is there something that I need to do in the login module to have these values work? I have implemented the Login() and commit() methods on my custom login module.


           WebAuthentication webAut = new WebAuthentication();


      If I try to use Form Base Authentication, everything work correctly. a Subject is returned with the correct values.




        • 1. Re: WebAuthentication

          probably the authorization is not going through.  Have you extended the login module from JBoss AbstractServerLoginModule?


          We need a java.security.acl.Group instance in the subject called "Roles"  for security to work.