3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 11, 2010 5:00 AM by axemitch

    datatable rendering 'error', tooltip and firefox 3.6.8


      Hello all, since yesterday, im searching about a "bug"?


      I have a datable, with a tooltip for one column.

      My problem is the render on firefox, i tried it on IE 6 and Chrome and is ok.



      And there is the code :



                  <rich:dataTable id="lpaData"
                      onRowMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='white'" rendered="true"
                      width="99%" value="#{ui_la.leavesApp}" var="leaveApp">
                      <f:facet name="header">
                              <rich:column>Primary Approval</rich:column>
                      <rich:column style="text-align: center;">
                          <h:graphicImage url="images/tip.gif"
                              rendered="#{leaveApp.primApproval}" alt="titi"></h:graphicImage>
                      <rich:column style="text-align: center;" rendered="true"
                          <h:graphicImage url="images/comments.gif"
                              rendered="#{not empty leaveApp.reason}" id="gI" alt="tata">
                          <h:outputText value=" no reason"
                              rendered="#{empty leaveApp.reason}">
                              <rich:toolTip followMouse="true" id="tip" for="gI"
                                  direction="top-right" styleClass="tooltip">
                                  <h:outputText value="#{leaveApp.reason}" />
                          <h:outputText value="Actions" />



      Anyone know how to correct this ?

      Or maybe i made a mistake on coding ?



      i'm using richfaces 3.3.3



        • 1. Re: datatable rendering 'error', tooltip and firefox 3.6.8


          I don't know if it is a good solution,

          but i try this,   adding style="border-collapse: inherit;"

          <rich:dataTable id="lpaData"
                          onRowMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='white'" rendered="true"
                          width="99%" value="#{ui_la.leavesApp}" var="leaveApp" style="border-collapse: inherit;">


          And rendering is correct on IE and Firefox.


          Ce message a été modifié par: P Michel

          • 2. Re: datatable rendering 'error', tooltip and firefox 3.6.8

            a good solution - solution which works. But the case is really strange.. You could check such cases with FireBug to look for the style which causes it easilly.

            • 3. Re: datatable rendering 'error', tooltip and firefox 3.6.8

              Strange, yes it is.


              I tried to simplify the jsf code to find where this come from, but it seems i'm not good enough for this one.


              So here is the code

                  <rich:dataTable width="50%" value="one">
                      <f:facet name="header">
                          <h:outputText value="OverHereForTooltip" id="reasonColumn2"></h:outputText>
                          <rich:toolTip for="reasonColumn2" > My toolTip </rich:toolTip>
                          <h:outputText value="Actions" />


              Which gives me this :



              If someone find the origin of this rendering, i will be glad to know it.