1. Re: Deploying exploded war with symlinks
yeroc May 23, 2006 1:29 PM (in response to gkushida)Did you every find a solution for this problem? We're running into the exact same issue.
Corey -
2. Re: Deploying exploded war with symlinks
lmellis85 Feb 28, 2007 4:46 PM (in response to gkushida)I am also running into the same issue, was there any fix for this?
3. Re: Deploying exploded war with symlinks
allenplee Aug 13, 2010 2:23 PM (in response to gkushida)Hi, I know it's been a while since this thread was updated but I found the answer to this question at the following link:
Here is the solution posted over there (in case that site goes away):
Create a context.xml file in a WEB-INF directory in your web app containing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Context path="/myapp" allowLinking="true"> </Context> more here: http://www.isocra.com/2008/01/following-symbolic-links-in-tomcat/ There are a few problems with the solution of creating a WEB-INF/context.xml that contains The biggest issue is that if a conf/context.xml exists, the allowLinking in the there takes precedence ...
Hope this helps someone else who encountered what I overcame today.