10 Replies Latest reply on Apr 4, 2009 6:47 AM by nbelaevski

    Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent browse


      This is interesting but i dont problem with richfaces???

      i tried rich:modelpanel in two diffrent version of IE6



      i have model panel.... when i use browser1 (red colour) it not allowing to me to enter any thing inside this rich:editor

      but when i use another browser 2(green)... it working normal!!!!

      this my code:

      <rich:modalPanel id="additionalFeatureHistoryDlg" minHeight="60" minWidth="800" height="60" width="800" zIndex="2000" moveable="true" resizeable="false" autosized="true">
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputText value="History"/>
      <f:facet name="controls">
      <h:graphicImage value="/images/button_cancel.png" style="cursor:pointer" id="additionalFeatureHistoryDlgHidelink"/>
      <rich:componentControl for="additionalFeatureHistoryDlg" attachTo="additionalFeatureHistoryDlgHidelink" operation="hide" event="onclick"/>
      <rich:dataTable id="historylist" var="history" value="#{additionalFeaturesSetup.additionalFeatureHistory}" width="100%" rowClasses="rich-table-oddRow,rich-table-evenRow"
      <f:facet name="footer">
      <rich:datascroller align="left" for="historylist" maxPages="20" boundaryControls="auto" fastControls="auto" stepControls="auto" renderIfSinglePage="false"/>
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:column><h:outputText value="Name"/></h:column>
      <rich:column width="60"><h:outputText value="Active"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="60"><h:outputText value="Rate"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="Charge basis"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="Create date"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="Create user"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="Modify date"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="Modify user"/></rich:column>
      <h:outputText value="#{history.name}"/>
      <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="small-text">
      <h:outputText value="#{history.description}"/>
      <rich:column width="60"><h:outputText value="#{history.active}"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="60"><h:outputText value="#{systemUtils.formatDecimal(history.rate, selectedInstance.decimalFormat.businessValue)}"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="#{history.chargeBasis.name}"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="#{systemUtils.formatDate(history.createDate, selectedInstance.dateFormat.businessValue)}"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="#{history.createUser}"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="#{systemUtils.formatDate(history.modifyDate, selectedInstance.dateFormat.businessValue)}"/></rich:column>
      <rich:column width="80"><h:outputText value="#{history.modifyUser}"/></rich:column>

      <input type="button" value="Close" title="Close" onclick="#{rich:component('additionalFeatureHistoryDlg')}.hide()"/>

      note* experts i dont know whether i am right or wrong... but my testing raise this bug.....pls help me out...

        • 1. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br

          1) can't find rich:editor there in snippet :)
          2) could you try richfaces-demo online under your browsers

          • 2. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br

            Also try to install latest updates from MS.

            • 3. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br

              ilya_shaikovsky>>>>can't find rich:editor there in snippet :)

              sorry ilya... now refer this .... ... example

              <rich:modalPanel id="additionalRequestDlg" minHeight="60" minWidth="500" height="60" width="500" zIndex="2000" moveable="true" resizeable="false" autosized="true">
              <f:facet name="header">
              <h:outputText value="Additional Request"/>
              <f:facet name="controls">
              <h:graphicImage value="/images/button_cancel.png" style="cursor:pointer" id="additionalRequestDlgHidelink"/>
              <rich:componentControl for="additionalRequestDlg" attachTo="additionalRequestDlgHidelink" operation="hide" event="onclick"/>
              <h:form id="additionalrequestform">
              <a:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">

              <h:messages id="error"></h:messages>

              <h:panelGroup id="additionalRequestPanel">
              <rich:tabPanel switchType="client">
              <rich:tab label="General data">



              <h:inputText value="#{additionalRequestsSetup.icAdditionalRequest.name }" label="Name" style="width: 360px;" required="true"/>

              <s:message errorClass="error"/>




              <rich:editor width="364" height="100" value="#{additionalRequestsSetup.icAdditionalRequest.description}" useSeamText="true"/>

              <s:message errorClass="error"/>


              Is Active

              <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{additionalRequestsSetup.icAdditionalRequest.active}"/>

              <rich:tab label="Room Types">

              <rich:dataTable id="bookabletypelist" var="bookabletypes" value="#{additionalRequestsSetup.roomTypes}" width="100%" rows="#{bookingListSearchData.recordsPerPage}" rowClasses="rich-table-oddRow,rich-table-evenRow" columnClasses="align-left,," >
              <rich:column width="10">
              <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{additionalRequestsSetup.roomTypesForRequest[bookabletypes]}"/>
              <h:outputText value="#{bookabletypes.name}"/>
              <h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="small-text">
              <h:outputText value="#{bookabletypes.note}"/>


              <a:commandButton value="Confirm" title="Confirm" action="#{additionalRequestsSetup.confirmAdditionalService()}" oncomplete="closeAdditionalRequestDlg();" reRender="additionalRequestPanel,additionalrequestlist,noARRecords"/>
              <input type="button" value="Cancel" title="Cancel" onclick="#{rich:component('additionalRequestDlg')}.hide()"/>

              this model panel will appear when i click this button

              <a:commandButton value="Add Request" title="Add Request" rendered="#{s:hasPermission('ConfigAdditionalRequest','Add')}" action="#{additionalRequestsSetup.newAdditionalService()}" oncomplete="#{rich:component('additionalRequestDlg')}.show()" ajaxSingle="true" styleClass="bigButton" reRender="additionalRequestDlg" />

              exactly what happens

              1. after clicking the action button--> modalpanel will open

              2.once model panel opened , if i want to enter value in rich:texteditor... i cant enter any value , if i click the bold button in richtext editor then i can able to add text in the rich:editor and this is happening in this browser version [color=444444] IE6( ???

              so y its happening but this will not happening in [color=444444] IE6( and IE7..

              2) could you try richfaces-demo online under your browsers

              yes i tried.... its working... but when i open the rich:editor default bold button is selected so i can able to use rich:editor

              so what is promblem? where i am wrong?

              • 4. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br
                • 5. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br


                  Also try to install latest updates from MS.

                  i dunno why you asking me to install latest updates.... because i am trying create application using richfaces... it will used by all with any browsers...

                  • 6. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br


                    hats off....good link....

                    but i used most of my application around this type of functionality ???.... experts any alternative??????

                    • 7. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br


                      i dunno why you asking me to install latest updates.... because i am trying create application using richfaces... it will used by all with any browsers...
                      That's just to be sure that you have consistent environment not affected by some bad update.

                      • 8. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br


                        "aboocs01" wrote:

                        hats off....good link....

                        but i used most of my application around this type of functionality ???.... experts any alternative??????
                        Use workaround described in JIRA issue.

                        • 9. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br

                          no... still i am facing same problem eventhough i added domElementAttachment="parent" in modelpanel.

                          <rich:modalPanel id="additionalRequestDlg" domElementAttachment="parent" minHeight="60" minWidth="500" height="60" width="500" zIndex="2000" moveable="true" resizeable="false" autosized="true">

                          why so??? where i am wrong???

                          • 10. Re: Will Rich Faces Component lose its  focus on Diffrent br

                            Please post full page code including elements surrounding rich:modalPanel.