3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 3, 2009 9:17 AM by lrp

    Poor tree performance when selecting node.


      Hey there,

      In my application I dynamically generate a tree menu based on user selection in another component. The tree has a variable number of elements total, and when there are very few elements in it, the performance is fine. However, the largest tree it has generated thus far has 1474 nodes. The performance is still fine for this tree in firefox, and to a slightly lesser degree in internet explorer 8. However, internet explorer 7 is very slow and internet explorer 6 starts hanging very soon after selecting a node.

      Is there any workaround to make large trees feasible in IE7, and (less importantly) in IE6? I doubt I'll ever have to deal with trees larger than 1474 nodes. If not, is there some other hierarchically structured component that has better performance for numbers of elements of this size?

      On a related note, is there some way to make trees NOT rerender the subtree of the nodes you select? This is very performance heavy when selecting the root node in a large tree.

      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: Poor tree performance when selecting node.

          check please

           <description>Defines which nodes keys will be added to AjaxNodeKeys automatically on selecting ajax request from the node. Values: "none" - nothing, "node" - only current node, "subtree" - node and all its children.</description>


           <description>Defines which nodes keys will be added to AjaxNodeKeys automatically on the request from the children of the node. Values: "none" - nothing, "node" - only current node, "subtree" - node and all its children.</description>

          • 2. Re: Poor tree performance when selecting node.

            b.t.w. it was added from 3.3.0 .

            • 3. Re: Poor tree performance when selecting node.

              Thanks a lot, that's exactly what I was looking for.

              I also managed to trim down the size of my tree a bit. Some of the lower tiers of nodes were logically different from the ones above, so I decided to rather show them in separate components. Largest tree size is now 240 nodes, which even IE6 seems to be able to eat happily.