2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 6, 2010 11:32 PM by dkim18

    Specifying Seam generated id instead of "j_idxxxx"




      I am working on debugging already written jboss seam project.

      I need to pass a textarea id as a javascript function, but I found out that the actual textarea id that was generated by browser is different than the hard-coded id in the javascript function.


      Here is what I am talking about:


      <textarea id="j_id5861:j_id3864:modal-physicalexam-form:general-physicalei" name="j_id5861:j_id3864:modal-physicalexam-form:general-physicalei" cols="50" onkeyup="updateCount('j_id5861:j_id3864:modal-physicalexam-form:general-physicalei','modal-physicalexam-form:general-physicalei:notes-count','{CHAR} of 4000 characters remaining',4000);" rows="8"></textarea>




      <a href="#" onclick="addDefault('modal-physicalexam-form:general-physicalei',  'Well developed'); return false;">Add</a> Well developed</li> 



      My question is is there any way that I can find the upper level tag that is not specified? If I can specify Seam generated id, I can fix this bug. Another word, I want to make textarea is like this:

      <textarea id="abc:def:modal-physicalexam-form:general-physicalei"


