0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 25, 2010 11:26 AM by panda1

    dot net client



      I use Hornetq push server that sending Stomp data.

      I write a C# client I use

      Apache.NMS.Stomp  ( version 1.3 .net 3.5)



      the client server some time work and sometimes not working.

      also the clients work for some Seconds/minutes and after that stop working for some Seconds/ minutes and then return to work and again and again stop and return to work.





      these is the code I use:


      public class TopicSubscriber



              private readonly ISession session;

              private readonly ITopic topic;

              private readonly string destination;

              private bool disposed=false;



              public TopicSubscriber(ISession _session, string _destination)




                      this.session = _session;

                      this.destination = _destination;

                     // topic = new Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ.Commands.ActiveMQTopic(destination);  //tcp      

                      topic = new Apache.NMS.Stomp.Commands.Topic(destination);//stomp



                  catch (Exception eee)


                      throw eee;




              public event MessageReceivedDelegate OnMessageReceived;

              public IMessageConsumer Consumer { get; set; }

              public string ConsumerId { get; set; }

              public IDestination mydest { get; set; }


              public void Start(string _consumerId)




                      // ConsumerId= consumerId

                      Consumer = session.CreateConsumer(Destination.CreateDestination(1, destination));

                      Consumer.Listener += (messsage =>


                              var textMessage = messsage as ITextMessage;

                              if (textMessage == null) throw new InvalidCastException(GetType().Name);

                              if (OnMessageReceived != null)







                  catch (Exception eee)


                      throw eee;




              public void Dispose()




                      if (disposed) return;

                      if (Consumer != null)





                      disposed = true;


                  catch (Exception eee)


                      throw eee;







      On the main page I use these code

      private IConnection connection;

              private IConnectionFactory connectionFactory;


              private TopicSubscriber subscriber1;


              private ISession session;



        public void StartTestQuotes1()




                      CLIENT_ID = "clientId" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;

                      CONSUMER_ID = "CONSUMER_ID" + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;           

                      connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(BROKER, CLIENT_ID);


                      connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();              


                      connection.ExceptionListener += new ExceptionListener(OnExceptionListener);

                      session = connection.CreateSession();


        subscriber1 = new TopicSubscriber(session, TOPIC_NAME2);

                      subscriber1.Start("A"  + System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());

                      subscriber1.OnMessageReceived += new MessageReceivedDelegate(subscriber_OnMessageReceived);




      Someone have any  idea why this working sometime and sometime it is not working.

      Can someone  give me simple C# or dot net client.


      Best regards