1 Reply Latest reply on Aug 26, 2010 12:37 PM by factor3

    Including ESB Actions


      I have created a new action for JBoss ESB using the ESB editor in JBoss Tools. This action is a custom action that has some fairly important functions that I am expecting that others in my development team will want to use. This action is designed for reuse; its functionality can be configured using a set of properties, some of which are mandatory but others are not.

      Is it possible for someone to create a custom action, then be able to "install" that action back into the Tools? I'd like to be able to have it appear in one of the submenus that pops up when you click on the "Add" button for Actions. The idea is that others in the development team would be able to easily call up this action from within the IDE.

      Is there a mechanism for doing this? If there is, can someone tell me how to use it?



        • 1. Re: Including ESB Actions


             Does anyone have any insights on this problem? I really need to know if this is possible and, if so, how I can do it.


             If it cannot be done, a simple "no" will suffice. I am being pressured for an answer to this question. Please someone answer it.