6 Replies Latest reply on Aug 28, 2010 10:16 PM by steven.landers

    StreamMessage seems truncated


      Key Info:

      - We're in the process of going from JBossMQ to HornetQ.

      - I haven't yet installed (nor have had approved - its out of my control) the absolute latest version or HornetQ yet, but I have the previous (2.1.1)

      - Running HornetQ on top of JBoss5


      My Issue:

      1) I put 4k of XML into a StreamMessage

      2) It is placed in a HornetQ

      3) I consume the message

      4) The StreamMessage seems to only contain up to the opening Tag  (first greater than sign) - throwing an EOF afterwards.


      When I do the same, except with a JBossMQ, this does not occur - and the whole message can be parsed as XML via Sax.


      Does anyone have any thoughts regarding what might be causing this?  Perhaps I need to configure something size-oriented on the queue?  I thought it was newlines at first, so I removed those, but to no avail.  I'm particularly interested in why it ends at the first greater than sign - without fail, regardless of the size of the tag.


      Thanks for your time!


        • 1. Re: StreamMessage seems truncated

          JBoss MQ doesn't support Streaming (as far as I know).. You can just have large bodies.



          How you're sending your message?




          You should probably provide some code here on your post.


          If you think you're hitting a bug, you should definitely share a testcase. Most likely you're doing something wrong at your stream code.

          • 2. Re: StreamMessage seems truncated

            Thanks for the response!


            When using JBossMQ, the object becomes a SpyStreamMessage



            Currently we're doing a store-and-forward from a boxes's local queue to a shared queue.


            1) Message goes into local queue (JBossMQ...we will later use HornetQ but not able to yet)

            2) SpyStreamMessage is consumed by store-and-forward spring Pojo  (stream contains 100% of everything at this point)

            3) Using Spring's JMSTemplate to forward to HornetQ


            public void send(final Message message) throws Exception{
                 template.send(remoteDestination, new MessageCreator(){
                      public Message createMessage(Session sess) throws JMSException {
                           return message;


            4) HornetQStreamMessage is consumed, but now it only contains up to the first greater-than-sign.  If I use a JBossMQ instead...it contains the whole message.


            Maybe SpyStreamMessage is fundamentally different than later implementations of StreamMessage?


            Thanks for your consideration and time,


            • 3. Re: StreamMessage seems truncated

              Of course, You can't just send a SpyStreamMessage and assume it will be received.



              You have to use the proper API from HornetQ.



              There's no common JMS API for LargeMessage. For HornetQ you should create a regular message and set a property, as explained on the user's manual:





              Look at the large messages example also

              • 4. Re: StreamMessage seems truncated

                Clebert, a StreamMessage is a standard JMS message type, you're confusing it with large messages.

                • 5. Re: StreamMessage seems truncated

                  Duh!... Yes.. I was confusing with Streaming on large message.. thanks.



                  So, that means we're not accepting well a JBoss MQ JMS StreamMessage.

                  • 6. Re: StreamMessage seems truncated

                    For now we're able to workaround by converting the SpyStreamMessage to a HornetQTextMessage prior to forwarding it.  Eventually, we aim to replace the queuing on the JBossMQ servers with HornetQ as well - but we're having to take this one-step-at-a-time. 


                    I can also get HornetQStreamMessage to work if I read the bytes off the SpyStreamMessage then use writeString to put them onto the HornetQStreamMessage - but given our limited 4k size, this seemed similar enough to the TextMessage approach.  (I think the issue has to do with JBossMQ differences for readBytes/writeBytes)


                    Thanks for your help guys - I think I'm good on this problem for now - but let me know if you have any questions that can help.

