0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 30, 2010 6:34 AM by mallalli

    Clustering - Messages are not pulled from one node to another


      Dear Experts,


      I am using jboss 5 As with JBM 1.4.3. I have set up the clustered Queue and i have problem with load balancing.



      I start 2 instances of jboss as ./run.sh -c all -b (IP 1) -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=1 and second instance ./run.sh -c all -b (IP 2) -Djboss.messaging.ServerPeerID=2. And i also create a Clustered "MyQueue".

      I run producer1 and consumer1 at instance 1 and only consumer2 at instance 1.


      The problem i am facing is messages are pulled between one node(ServerPeerID=1) to another(ServerPeerID=2) when one of the consumer is slow.


      How to achieve this load balancing at the consumer side when one consumer is taking long time to process a message, how pull the message from one node to another to balance this.


      Please help me out on this.



      Shivaraj Mallalli