1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 2, 2010 3:48 PM by protoplasm72

    JBoss 4.0.5, IIS 7, Windows 2008 64 bit


      I'm trying to configure IIS7 on a 64 bit win2008 server to pass through to jboss 4.0.5 using jk 1.2.30.  I've got the 64 bit java 1.5 jdk installed and the 64 bit isapi_redirect.dll but I'm having issues.  It looks like IIS and JK are configured correctly.  In the isapi_redirect.log file the last 2 lines are


      [Wed Aug 18 14:33:04.703 2010] [6096:5336] [debug] HttpFilterProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1932): [/GenericERS/custom/index.jsp] is a servlet url - should redirect to jboss
      [Wed Aug 18 14:33:04.703 2010] [6096:5336] [debug] HttpFilterProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1972): fowarding escaped URI [/GenericERS/custom/index.jsp]


      which seem to indicate IIS is redirecting to my JBoss.  The ajp connector is listening on localhost:8009 and the worker I named jboss is configured to use localhost:8009.  The problem is in the browser when I go to this url it asks me to download the page instead of loading it in the browser and when I open the file it looks like a binary file instead of html. 


      Has anyone gotten this setup to work?  I'm thinking the problem is in tomcat 5.5.  I noticed that tomcat 6 and 7 have 64 bit versions.  Upgrading jboss is not an option at the moment.  Any ideas?