2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2010 5:12 PM by chalu

    form call methods with null value when loading



      I have a form with managed bean, When I load the page with form, the page calls all managed bean's setters with null value. I can prevent this by preloading data when getters are called, but it is little bit unpleasant when I dinamically load data eg. using ajax.


      Is it because I have something wrong configured or is some mode I do not know about?


      Thank you


        • 1. Re: form call methods with null value when loading

          please show the code.

          • 2. Re: form call methods with null value when loading


            here is xhtml:



            <h:form id="AddTaskForm" >
            <h:panelGrid width="680px" columns="2" border="0">
            <rich:panel header="#{messages.tasks_newtask_header}"  style="background-color: #ebf3fd;">
            <h:inputHidden id="id" value="#{taskFormBean.id}"/>
            <h:inputHidden id="projectId" value="#{taskFormBean.projectId}"/>
            <h:outputText value="*" style="color:#ff0000;"/>#{messages.registration_are_mandatory}.
            <h:panelGrid id="upg" columns="2" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <h:outputText value="#{messages.task_name}" />
            <h:outputText value="*" style="color:#ff0000;"/>
            <h:inputText id="name" value="#{taskFormBean.name}" styleClass="inputbox"/>
            <h:message for="name"  styleClass="errors" />
            <h:outputText value="#{messages.task_project_phase}" />
            <h:selectOneMenu value="#{taskFormBean.phaseId}" id="phaseId" >
                                <f:selectItems value="#{taskFormBean.phases}" />

            <h:form id="AddTaskForm" >

            <h:panelGrid width="680px" columns="2" border="0">

            <rich:panel header="#{messages.tasks_newtask_header}"  style="background-color: #ebf3fd;">

            <h:inputHidden id="id" value="#{taskFormBean.id}"/>

            <h:inputHidden id="projectId" value="#{taskFormBean.projectId}"/>

            <h:outputText value="*" style="color:#ff0000;"/>#{messages.registration_are_mandatory}.

            <h:panelGrid id="upg" columns="2" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">



            <h:outputText value="#{messages.task_name}" />

            <h:outputText value="*" style="color:#ff0000;"/>



            <h:inputText id="name" value="#{taskFormBean.name}" styleClass="inputbox"/>

            <h:message for="name"  styleClass="errors" />




            <h:outputText value="#{messages.task_project_phase}" />



            <h:selectOneMenu value="#{taskFormBean.phaseId}" id="phaseId" >

                                               <f:selectItems value="#{taskFormBean.phases}" />






            <h:outputText value="" />



            <h:commandButton value="#{messages.task_save}" action="#{taskFormBean.save}" styleClass="submitButton"/>

            <h:commandButton value="Cancel" action="#{taskFormBean.cancel}" styleClass="submitButton"/>




            in faces-config I have

            taskFormBean mapped into class without any methods, which works with another form fields.

            In class I have:

            public List<SelectItem> getPhases() {

            log.info("call getPhases for project id = "+this.projectId);

            List<SelectItem> projectPhases = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

            if(this.projectId!=null && this.projectId.intValue()>0){

            SelectItem it = new SelectItem();





            if(localProjects == null)

            localProjects = (ProjectLogicLocal)ServiceLocator.getEJB(ProjectLogicLocal.LocalJNDIName);

            for(ProjectPhase p:localProjects.listBaseProjectPhasesByProject(projectId)){

            SelectItem i = new SelectItem();





            log.info("have phases: "+projectPhases.size());


            catch(BusinessException e){



            catch(Exception e){





            localProjects = null;




            SelectItem i = new SelectItem();





            return projectPhases;



            and method save:

            public String save() throws Exception{

            log.info("call save form data: "+toString());

            return "success";



            When I let the phase field not selected as other fields, I have in my log:

            23:08:16,568 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call constructor

            23:08:16,568 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call getPhases for project id = null

            23:08:16,570 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call save form data: id = 0, parrentTaskId = 0, name = , projectId = 500, budgetHours = 0.0, percentageComplete = 0.0, dueDate = null, phase = 0, active = false, allowHours = false, hoursToConfirm = false, description =

            23:08:16,588 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call getPhases for project id = 500

            23:08:16,619 INFO  [TaskFormBean] have phases: 6

            23:08:16,623 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call getParentTasks()

            23:08:16,670 INFO  [TaskFormBean] count of tasks: 6


            but if I choose one phase, I got:

            23:09:58,872 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call constructor

            23:09:58,873 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call getPhases for project id = null

            23:09:58,942 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call getPhases for project id = null

            23:09:58,945 INFO  [TaskFormBean] call getParentTasks()

            23:09:58,974 INFO  [TaskFormBean] count of tasks: 0

            23:09:58,995 INFO  [lifecycle] WARNING: FacesMessage(s) have been enqueued, but may not have been displayed.

            sourceId=AddTaskForm:phaseId[severity=(ERROR 2), summary=(AddTaskForm:phaseId: Validation Error: Value is not valid), detail=(AddTaskForm:phaseId: Validation Error: Value is not valid)]

            there is no validation defined in faces-config....
            If I change phaseId to any another name, error is still here with new name...