1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 21, 2010 3:48 PM by shannonsumner

    Declare a Map of Maps within the JDPL


      Hello all,


      To pick up from another thread - I'm creating a process variable with the same name as a task.  I'm assigning this variable a map containing name value pairs for any task relating information I can think of.  I'm working on creating custom nodes to accomplish this - but in the mean time can someone help me find a better way of doing what I'm doing now?


      I'm my jdpl I declare a variable in the following fashion:



      <variable name="Preparing For Your Oil Change" type="serializable">
              <object class="com.xxxx.pma.entity.VariableEntity">
                  <property name="mapVariables">
                                  <string value="documentation"/>
                                  <string value="http://oilchg.xxxx.com/oilchg-intro.html"/>


      The class I call to populate this variable looks like this:


      package com.xxxx.pma.entity;
      import java.io.Serializable;
      import java.util.HashMap;
      import java.util.Map;
      public class VariableEntity implements Serializable
          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
          public Map<String, String> mapVariables = new HashMap<String, String>();
          public Map<String, String> getMapVariables()
              return mapVariables;
          public void setMapVariables(Map<String, String> mapVariables)
              this.mapVariables = mapVariables;


      Is there any way to declare a Map without going through the extra step of calling a helper class?  Please let me know.





        • 1. Re: Declare a Map of Maps within the JDPL

          Duh! Figured out my own answer.  Here it is for those who are interested ...


          <variable name="Preparing For Your Oil Change" type="serializable">
                              <string value="documentation"/>
                              <string value="http://oilchg.xxxx.com/oilchg-intro.html"/>
                              <string value="dateDue"/>
                              <string value="-8 days"/>