1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 22, 2010 10:08 AM by rareddy

    How to model a CSV file?


      I need to access to a simple CSV file using Teiid (I will later integrate the data from this file with other data from a DB)


      The CSV has this structure and the separator is the character '='





      I created a 'Relational Source Model' called 'ds_file1'. Inside it, I created 'Base Table' with the columns 'key' and 'value' with types 'string' and 'int' respectively.


      Then, I tried to set a 'Connection Profile' (right click on the new model -> Modelling -> Set Connection Profile)

      There,I created a new 'Flat File DataSource'. After that, I selected the new 'Connection Profile' and when I clicked 'Ok', Teiid displayed the error


      No ConnectionInfoProvider resolved for this ConnectionProfile


      I continued anyway and created a 'Rational View Model' with a 'View' in it. Then, I dragged the Base Table I created early, into the 'Transformation' dialog of the view and wrote this transformation:

          result.key, result.value
          (EXEC ds_file1.getTextFiles('file1.csv')) AS f, TEXTTABLE(f.file COLUMNS key string, value integer DELIMITER '=' HEADER) AS result


      When I clicked on 'Save/Validate SQL', Teiid displays the error message:

      The query is parsable but not resolvable.
      Resolver Error: demo_performance_df_ds.getTextFiles does not exist.


      The SQL that I wrote in the transformation may be wrong, but I was just guessing how to do it.


