7 Replies Latest reply on Sep 24, 2010 1:19 AM by chakri_jboss

    rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...


      cna some one help me on this??

        • 1. Re: rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...

          guys pls some help me. y this modalPanel gets disappeared in less than a second.... how can make it visible until i close it . i am pasting my code


          <rich:modalPanel id="wizard" width="550" height="300" >
                                      <f:facet name="header">New Picture</f:facet>
                                      <f:facet name="controls">
                                          <a href="#" onclick="#{rich:component('wizard')}.hide();">X</a>
                                           this is workspace




          <rich:panel header="Profile Picture">
                                      <a4j:commandButton value="Add/Update picture"
                                          onclick="#{rich:component('wizard')}.show();" />





          pls some known of this help me...

          • 2. Re: rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...

            <a4j:commandButton value="Add/Update picture"
                                            onclick="#{rich:component('wizard')}.show();" />


            here reRender ur form ID

            • 3. Re: rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...

              hiii krishnaswamy,


              i appreciate your concern. but my problem still persists. i am pasting my entire page code , pls provide me where i am goig wrong.



              <ui:composition template="/Pages/templates/template.xhtml">
                  <ui:define name="loginContent">

                      <rich:modalPanel id="wizard" width="550" height="300" >
                                          <f:facet name="header">New Picture</f:facet>
                                          <f:facet name="controls">
                                                  <a4j:commandButton value="Close"
                                              onclick="#{rich:component('wizard')}.hide();" />
                                               this is workspace




              <h:form id="profile">
                          <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                              <h:outputText value="Successfully Logged in!"></h:outputText>
                              <h:commandLink value="Proceed" action="continue"></h:commandLink>
                              <rich:tabPanel switchType="ajax" style="height:500px;width=700px">
                                  <rich:tab label="Home">
                                      Welcome User!
                                      <br />
                                      <h:outputLabel value="#{message}" />
                                  <rich:tab label="Account">
                                      <rich:panel header="Profile Picture">
                                          <a4j:commandButton value="Add/Update picture"
                                              onclick="#{rich:component('wizard')}.show();" reRender="profile"/>










              THANK YOU.

              • 4. Re: rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...

                last post i forgot to tell,


                use, link to a4j:command and show modal on oncomplete.


                <a4j:commandButton value="Add/Update picture"
                                                oncomplete="#{rich:component('wizard')}.show();" reRender="profile"/>


                or try this

                <h:commandLink value="Add/Update Picture" immediate="true" id="nameaddLinks"/>

                <rich:componentControl for="wizard" attachTo="nameaddLinks"

                operation="show" event="onclick" />

                <h:commandLink value="#{msg['statusEdit']}" immediate="true" id="nameEditLinks"/>
                <rich:componentControl for="edit_info_nricmodal" attachTo="nameEditLinks"
                operation="show" event="onclick" />


                check and tell if works

                • 5. Re: rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...

                  when i used onclick, it was like flashing for a second. but with oncomplete it appeares some processing is happening, but even that flash is not visible. and sorry to say , but even ur second option gave same result of flashing for a second. and how this oncomplete differs from onclick?

                  • 6. Re: rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...



                    use <a4j:region> to render only the specific area and import your modalPanel in your page. like this,Asper your directory structure you add it.oncomplete process after the request completes.


                    <c:import url="../user/ProcessingModal.jsp" />

                    • 7. Re: rich:modalPanel appeares in flash and becomes invisible...

                      my modalPanel is in same page... so what is the purpose of importing any page that contains it?? moreover i am using facelets with .xhtml files. and i have to put this wizard as sub-flow in spring webflow. even with using the spring flow the modalPanel doesn't pops up.