1 Reply Latest reply on Sep 29, 2010 3:10 AM by wesser

    FacesMessages blocks rerendering of ListShuttle




      I hope this is the right Commuity for this issue but because it only points on a special rich-faces Component I put it here.

      I am using the Saem FacesMessages.instance().addToControl("dummy", Severity.INFO, "", "message"); to send a message to my rich-faces-client and a rich:messages to show it.


      xhtml code:


      <a4j:outputPanel id="dummy"></a4j:outputPanel>

      <rich:messages for="dummy" />


      the FacesMessages.addToControl is called in an action which is called by my page e.g. by a a4j commandButton or a4j support that has an reRender connected




      <a4j:commandButton id="button" value="start action"
                                          status="waitStatus" reRender="sthToRerender" />


      Everything works fine to this Point. The message is shown and so on. When I e.g deaktivate the flags connected to the deactivate property of a commandButton in the action this button is deactivated and this state is rerendered.


      But if I e.g. remove some Items from the right side of the ListShuttle (the underlying List) in the action (which works if I don´t send the FacesMessages.addToControl) this change is not rerendered after finishing the action and the message is shown. A manual rerender (reload button on the browser) and everything is fine again. But this can´t be the solution.


      Why does the rerender work on the buttons but not on the ListShuttle? Are there any suggestions how to solve this Problem?