2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 29, 2010 9:24 AM by michaelschuetz

    BUG?? When one portlet crashes, a different one well be displayed


      Hi to all,


      What I did:
      * starting portal
      * logging in with specific role
      * access portlet
      * perform portlet actions
      * let the portlet crash (in mny use case this portlet need special VPN access to external system. So i just cut VPN access.)
      * try to redo portlet actions
      * another portlet appears


      Strange thing: the logged in user does not have the permissions to view this portlet.


      So, IMHO this is a big security issue.


      Do you want meet to create a JIRA issue?


      My Stack:
      * GateIn 3.1/JBoss AS 5.1
      * Seam 2
      * JSF 2


      Thanks and regards