0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 29, 2010 9:59 AM by tommy_bo

    rich:column in composite component


      This problem exists in RichFaces 4 M2


      I have wrapped an extendedDataTable in a composite component. Now I want to do the same with column, but the content does not render. In org.richfaces.components.DataTableColumnsIterator the children are filtered by type. Only javax.faces.components.UIColumn and org.richfaces.components.Column are iterated. The composite components, wich are UINamingContainers, are skipped. My intention is to create internal components to enforce format and i18n etc, preferably by xhtml-components. Templating is not possible because of a known JSF 2.0 bug (https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1708).


      My source files look something like this (unnecessary code omitted):



          <rich:extendedDataTable ...>



          <rich:column ...>
              <f:facet ...>...</f:facet>
              <h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.value}"/>



      <comp:table value="#{backingBean.tableData}" textKey="testPage.testTable" var="data">
          <comp:column value="#{data.col1}" textKey="testPage.testTable.column1"/>
          <comp:column value="#{data.col2}" textKey="testPage.testTable.column2"/>