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1. Re: Installation instructions for JBoss Gatein portal
piergiorgiolucidi Oct 1, 2010 4:17 AM (in response to skadiy000)You can find information to configure GateIn in the following pages:
The complete GateIn documentation is in this page:
If you need other information or if you have problems during the configuration you can use the GateIn Forum.
Hope this helps.
2. Re: Installation instructions for JBoss Gatein portal
skadiy000 Oct 5, 2010 6:53 PM (in response to piergiorgiolucidi)Thanks Luicidi for the inputs.
I know those links already in the Jboss site. They are not new, but that information is not enough to configure some stuff like Microsoft AD for authentication etc.,
I have opened a new thread for that and appreciate if you can have a look and point me the right way