1. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 16, 2009 10:29 AM (in response to pjmlp)sortOrder and filter value should be boubnd to some model property.
2. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
pjmlp Apr 17, 2009 7:37 AM (in response to pjmlp)Hi,
thanks for the feedback. I guess my problem is related to this 3.3.0 bug?
Is this going to be fixed or documented?
Anyway I managed to get the sorting funcionality working, althoght it is visibly slower than when using <rich:column>.
But I did not manage to get filtering working. I have defined a property to hold the filterValue to each column and assigned it using the filterValue attribute.
If I type something on the filter field, my table is then empty. Any idea what I might still be missing?
Paulo -
3. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 17, 2009 8:45 AM (in response to pjmlp)it will be documented. sortOrder definition for columns component with sorting is mandatory since 3.3.0.
we will check about fitering additionally. -
4. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 17, 2009 8:56 AM (in response to pjmlp)add your comments there https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-6234
5. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
konstantin.mishin Apr 17, 2009 10:09 AM (in response to pjmlp)I am not expert in columns. But I suggest to you to try to set id for them. Example:
<rich:columns index="ind" id="c_id#{ind}" ...
6. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
kavitatipnis Apr 19, 2009 10:11 AM (in response to pjmlp)I am also trying the same sorting for dynamic columns
also referring to
However the TLD says 'id' cannot accept ValueExpression so I cannot specify
a dynamic id.
This is my first time posting, please let me know if I should create a new topic. -
7. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
kavitatipnis Apr 19, 2009 10:27 AM (in response to pjmlp)Ok I tried without the id attribute, and the sort ordering works only after I refresh the page.
8. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
kavitatipnis Apr 19, 2009 11:33 AM (in response to pjmlp)The sorting for columns works only in these cases
1) data table is pointing to a list model and not a result set model
2) for a result set model, I have to refresh the page
3) I cannot use a value expression in the id ( I am using 3.3.0) so I am kind of stuck on adding more than one column dynamically for sorting
Thanks, -
9. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
kavitatipnis Apr 19, 2009 12:51 PM (in response to pjmlp)"pjmlp" wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am trying to make use of <rich:columns> to build a dynamic table that also supports filtering and sorting. Somehow the filterBy and sortBy options do not work.
My table<f:view locale="#{sessionScope.WW_TRANS_I18N_LOCALE}"> <h:form id="myform"> <rich:dataTable value="#{dataBean.dataModel}" var="row"> <rich:columns value="#{dataBean.columns}" var="col" index="indexCol" sortBy='#{row[col.header]}' filterBy='#{row[col.header]}' filterEvent="onkeyup"> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="#{col.header}"/> </f:facet> <h:outputText value='#{row[col.header]}'/> </rich:columns> </rich:dataTable> </h:form> </f:view>
The table gets properly rendered and the input fields together with the sorting arrows are made visible, but they fail to work.
Am I doing something wrong here? I am using RichFaces 3.3.0.GA
Thanks in advance,
Can you add more than two columns dynamically? I have a weird case, I can add only two columns dynamically, If I try to add anything more than 2, it shows duplicate id error. (I am using 3.3.0) -
10. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
pjmlp Apr 24, 2009 7:46 AM (in response to pjmlp)Hi kavitatipnis,
I don't have any problem with the amount of columns.
Just filtering is still not working.
Currently I am reading RichFaces source code trying to understand what is lacking on the documentation. :(
Can someone please point me on the right direction?
Paulo -
11. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
tw Apr 24, 2009 1:07 PM (in response to pjmlp)I can add any number of columns, although performance really suffers with extendedDataTable (scrollabelDataTabel is better).
Sorting with for columns created via columns tag is simply not working in 3.3.0GA. It is broken for both, extendedDataTable and scrollableDataTable. Let's hope this can get fixed for 3.3.1 -
12. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
ilya_shaikovsky Apr 25, 2009 4:33 AM (in response to pjmlp)Demosite 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT version already has the code for columns usage with sorting/filtering and modifiable interface implementation.
just checkout latest version run on server and open:
http://localhost:8080/richfaces-demo/richfaces/dataTable.jsf?tab=modifiableDataModel -
13. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
kavitatipnis Apr 27, 2009 3:53 AM (in response to pjmlp)Sorry, I did not look into this for a week, but today when I just created a simple code, which generates more than two columns, it throws a duplicate component id error, and I cannot do a value bind on the id as it is not in the specs. Hence, I am stuck, I am using a plain rich:datatable and not even and extended datatable. There is no problem with anything in the code, but it just throws the duplicate component id error, if I am adding columns from a result set data model, if I use a simple List for rows and columns,
it works.
Thanks, -
14. Re: <rich:columns> is not working with filterBy/sortBy
pjmlp Apr 28, 2009 1:01 AM (in response to pjmlp)I have dowloaded the version v.3.3.1.CR1, compiled everything and opened the URL.
And have found the example about data table tabular data example. Nothing to do with sorting and filtering.
Was your URL the correct one?
Back to RichFaces source code reading. :(