1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 17, 2009 8:13 AM by konstantin.mishin

    messageKey in filterBy ??


      I have a filter inside a rich:extendedDatatable (the same goes for rich:dataTable):

      <rich:column sortable="true" sortBy="#{a.id}" filterBy="#{a.id}">
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputLabel value="row1"/>
      <h:outputText value ="#{messages[a.id]}"/>

      this works as expected, it filters by #{a.id}.

      But you see, I have a message-key binding with the #{a.id}.

      So a cell of that row contains for example: "hens" instead of its id "1". How can I filter by the message-key instead of the #{a.id}??

      I tried it with "filterBy="#{messages[a.id]}">" but it does not work:

      <rich:column sortable="true" sortBy="#{a.id}" filterBy="#{messages[a.id]}">
      <f:facet name="header">
      <h:outputLabel value="row1"/>
      <h:outputText value ="#{messages[a.id]}"/>