0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 3, 2010 12:24 PM by cobar

    Sorting does not work for dynamic richface HtmlColumn


      I am dynamically adding org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumn classes to a rich:dataTable. The table data is displayed and the headers are plain labels with sorting disabled, no anchor, no script, no sort images. I have tried every combination of sortable, selfSorted, sortBy and sortExpression. The one assumption I am making is that the sortBy(Object o) is the getter you would put on the page?





      org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlColumn col = new HtmlColumn();


      HtmlOutputLabel header = new HtmlOutputLabel();













      <h:panelGroup id="dataTablePanelGroup" layout="block" style="overflow:scroll; width:933px; height:340px;">

          <rich:dataTable id=dynamicResultsTable" value="#{bean.resultList}" var="item"

                          binding=#{bean.resultsDataTableUI}" rows=10/>





      Debug log:



      debug[11:50:21,346]: Update page part  from call parameter for ID openCapTrunkForm:resultsPanelGroupContainer
      debug[11:50:21,346]: call  selectSingleNode for id= openCapTrunkForm:resultsPanelGroupContainer
      debug[11:50:21,346]: Replace content  of node by outerHTML()
      debug[11:50:21,361]: search for  elements by name 'script'  in element div
      debug[11:50:21,361]: Scripts in  updated part count : 2
      debug[11:50:21,361]: Update part of  page for Id: openCapTrunkForm:resultsPanelGroupContainer successful
      debug[11:50:21,361]: Update page part  from call parameter for ID openCapTrunkForm:resultMsgPanel
      debug[11:50:21,361]: call  selectSingleNode for id= openCapTrunkForm:resultMsgPanel
      debug[11:50:21,361]: Replace content  of node by outerHTML()
      debug[11:50:21,361]: search for  elements by name 'script'  in element div
      debug[11:50:21,361]: Scripts in  updated part count : 0
      debug[11:50:21,361]: call  selectSingleNode for id= org.ajax4jsf.oncomplete
      debug[11:50:21,361]: Call request  oncomplete function after processing updates
      debug[11:50:21,361]: Update part of  page for Id: openCapTrunkForm:resultMsgPanel successful
      debug[11:50:21,377]: call  selectSingleNode for id= ajax-view-state
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Hidden JSF state  fields:
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Namespace for  hidden view-state input fields is undefined
      debug[11:50:21,377]: search for  elements by name 'input'  in element span
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Replace value for  inputs: 60 by new values: 1
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Input in  response: javax.faces.ViewState
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Found same input  on page with type: hidden
      debug[11:50:21,377]: search for  elements by name 'INPUT'  in element span
      debug[11:50:21,377]: Replace value for  inputs: 60 by new values: 0
      debug[11:50:21,377]: call  selectSingleNode for id= _A4J.AJAX.focus
      debug[11:50:21,377]: focus must be set  to control openCapTrunkForm:resultsPanelContainer
      debug[11:50:21,377]: No control  element openCapTrunkForm:resultsPanelContainer in submitted form
      debug[11:50:21,392]: Set focus to  control
      debug[11:50:21,533]: Evaluate script  replaced area in document: //function dpf(f) {var adp = f.adp;if (adp !=  null) {for (var i = 0;i < adp.length;i++) {f.removeChild(adp[i]);}}};function  apf(f, pvp) {var adp = new Array();f.adp = adp;var ps = pvp.split(',');for (var  i = 0,ii = 0;i < ps.length;i++,ii++) {var p =  document.createElement("input");p.type = "hidden";p.name = ps[i];p.value = ps[i  + 1];f.appendChild(p);adp[ii] = p;i += 1;}};function jsfcljs(f, pvp, t) {apf(f,  pvp);var ft = f.target;if (t) {f.target = t;}f.submit();f.target = ft;dpf(f);}; //
      debug[11:50:21,533]: Script evaluation  succeeded
      debug[11:50:21,533]: Evaluate script  replaced area in document: //new  Richfaces.Datascroller('openCapTrunkForm:sc1',  function(event){A4J.AJAX.Submit('openCapTrunkForm',event,{'ignoreDupResponses':true,'implicitEventsQueue':'openCapTrunkForm:sc1','similarityGroupingId':'openCapTrunkForm:sc1','parameters':{'openCapTrunkForm:sc1':event.memo.page,'ajaxSingle':'openCapTrunkForm:sc1'}  ,'containerId':'openCapTrunkForm:dynamicDataRegion'} ); return false;}); //
      debug[11:50:21,533]: Script evaluation  succeeded
      debug[11:50:21,533]: call  selectSingleNode for id= _ajax:data