0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 10, 2010 5:23 PM by lafr

    JSF 2.0 App on JBossAS 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT


      I'm using a JSF 2.0.3 App on JBoss 4.2.4 for now.

      I tried the same app on JBoss-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT as of last Friday.


      I'm encountering a problem with on screen:

      A search from which contains some field, most of them are not required.

      Some fields are bound to String fields others to Integer fields of the managed bean.

      All fields are initally empty, the fields of the managed bean are all null.

      When submitting the page the Integer fields get a zero value which prevents that data is found.

      So in the refreshed page the integer fields are filled with a zero value.


      Who is setting the fields to zero and why?

      This was not case on 4.2.4 where I replaced the original jsf-libs with the current version 2.0.3.b03.


      In my web.xml I already added these two values but this did not change anything.










      Any hints are welcome!