1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 11, 2010 3:45 PM by mircea.markus

    Cache Benchmarking Framework (CBF) returns few errors


      When I try to perform CBF I've got sometimes (not always) following errors:


      2010-10-02 00:07:02,111 [main] WARN  [org.cachebench.stages.ClusterValidationStage] On slave DefaultDistStageAck{slaveIndex=2, slaveAddress=/, isError=false, remoteException=null, errorMessage='null', payload=-1} total replication hasn't occurred. Expected 3 and received -1
      2010-10-02 00:07:02,111 [main] WARN  [org.cachebench.stages.ClusterValidationStage] Cluster hasn't formed!
      2010-10-02 00:07:02,112 [main] WARN  [org.cachebench.state.MasterState] Execution error for current benchmark, skipping rest of the stages



      and in the worker


      23:52:07,711 INFO  [GlobalComponentRegistry] Infinispan version: Infinispan 'Starobrno' 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT
      23:52:07,781 INFO  [ComponentRegistry] Infinispan version: Infinispan 'Starobrno' 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT
      23:52:07,781 INFO  [InfinispanWrapper] Loading JGroups form: file:/root/szymanskim/CacheBenchFwk-1.0.0-GA/plugins/infinispan4/lib/jgroups-2.9.0.GA.jar
      23:52:07,781 INFO  [InfinispanWrapper] JGroups version: JGroups 2.9.0.GA [$Id: Version.java,v 1.92 2010/02/12 09:11:25 belaban Exp $]
      2010-10-01 23:50:44,676 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  [org.cachebench.stages.StartClusterStage] Number of members=2 is not the one expected: 3
      2010-10-01 23:50:45,677 [pool-1-thread-1] INFO  [org.cachebench.stages.StartClusterStage] Number of members=2 is not the one expected: 3


      is there new version that use Infinispan 4.1 ?


