2 Replies Latest reply on Oct 19, 2010 2:26 PM by peterj

    PermGen OOME when using service.bat in JBoss 5.1


      I'd like to use service utility provided by JBoss as it leverages run.bat and run.conf.bat in installing JBoss as service. Unfortunately, I immediately run into PermGen OOME when I switch to using service.bat. I have no problem when I install JBoss as a Windows service using JavaService utility or run it from command-line: "run -c all". VM parameters are same in all cases.


      I have seen various discussions about this same issue but could not find a solution. I'd very much appreciate if somebody on this forum will suggest a solution so I can resume using service-facility



        • 1. Re: PermGen OOME when using service.bat in JBoss 5.1

          OK, I am realizing that JVM parameters, set in run.conf.bat, get ignored when using service.bat. Default PermGen setting may be too low and may be causing this issue. I'll investigate this further.

          • 2. Re: PermGen OOME when using service.bat in JBoss 5.1

            The problem is that service.bat sets JAVA_OPTS (line 26) and in run.conf.bat, all of the JAVA_OPTS settings are ignbored if it is already set (see line 15).  Possible solutions are:


            a) Comment out line 26 in service.bat and add the -Xrs to one of the JAVA_OPTS lines in run.conf.bat

            b) Comment out line 15 in conf.run.bat; but then you would still have to add -Xrs to one of the JAVA_OPTS lines in run.conf.bat or you would have to change the first JAVA_OPTS setting in conf.run.bat (line 44) to append, rather then reset, JAVA_OPTS (text in red is new text)L


            set "JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -XX:+PrintHeapAtGC -Xloggc:gc3.log -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"