0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 19, 2010 12:34 PM by obfuscation

    Custom validation messages




      I'm incredibly new to JSF and RichFaces and have hit into a bit of a problem, which wasn't clearly resolved by a Google or a search of the community website.


      Apologies for being dim but, simply all I would like to do is to understand how I should change the validation messages displayed?


      For example:

      <h:inputText id="username" value="#{userBean.username}" required="true">
           <f:validateLength minimum="4"/>
           <rich:ajaxValidator event="onkeyup" requestDelay="1000"/>
      </h:inputText><rich:message errorClass="" for="username"/>


      Given that this is a relatively simple amount of validation, is there any simple approach I can take to alter the messages shown?


      Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but I've been unable to find a resource that explains it clearly enough before now.