1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 21, 2010 3:55 PM by tcunning

    ESB vs. AS/ESB




      What is the difference between installing just JBoss ESB vs. installing JBoss ESB onto a system that already has AS installed.


      Does the ESB server run under AS?  Does AS assume the responsiblities of the ESB Server?


      Any insight into the high-level architectural differences between these two configurations would be appreciated.



        • 1. Re: ESB vs. AS/ESB

          ESB Server is a slimmed down JBoss AS based on 4.2.3.GA that does not include EJB3 support.      It starts up a lot quicker than JBoss AS.    If you want to use AS 5 features or EJB3 or deploy in an EAR, use the AS.       If you're doing development locally, you might think about using the ESB server if you don't need those features.