5 Replies Latest reply on Oct 25, 2010 8:49 AM by jaikiran

    Migration to JBoss AS




      I want to know how to migrate from any Application server(websphere,weblogic,oracle application Server) to JBoss AS.


      What are  steps involved in migration to JBoss?

        • 1. Re: Migration to JBoss AS

          There are no exact steps and it depends on the application and the resources used by the application. Typically, users start deploying their app to the server and if they run into some specific issues, they ask for help in the forums or lookup the documentation.

          • 2. Re: Migration to JBoss AS

            Hi Jaikran,


            Thanks for your reply.


            i am developing a application and deployed in oracle application server its working fine..


            if i want to run the same application in jboss, shall i  change any configuration or just i deploy the war file in jboss??

            • 3. Re: Migration to JBoss AS



              basically, a working JavaEE application should deploy to JBoss without changes.


              But: it depends on whether you use Oracle specific configurations. E.g the binding of EJBs to the Environment Naming Context (ENC) is not defined in the JavaEE standard, so here you would use container specific configuration files. I don't know how they are named for an oracle server, but for JBoss those are e.g. "jboss.xml" in the EJB jar, "jboss-web.xml" in the WAR file, and "jboss-client.xml" in application client projects. If you have something similar with "oracle" in the name, you will have to change the project.


              The other common problem is that JBoss does not like apps which bundle certain JAR files (e.g. JSF implementation or Log4J or XML parsers).


              The easiest way to find out is: copy your EAR file to the JBoss deploy directory and take a look at the server console. There will be exception stack traces, and they will point you to necessary changes (I hope).


              If there is an error message which is not clear to you, feel free to ask here.


              Best regards



              • 4. Re: Migration to JBoss AS



                Thanks for your reply..



                but i am getting error like this when i deployed in JBoss



                type Exception report


                description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.


                org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An exception occurred processing JSP page /BasePage_New.jsp at line 141

                138: System.out.println("Sarada Test for emp null2 ");
                140: Map pageCountMap = new HashMap();
                141: Vector  xmlData = menuVo.getBufReader();
                144:                       String link="",str="";


                root cause


                note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the JBoss Web/2.1.3.GA logs.




                Please help me..

                • 5. Re: Migration to JBoss AS

                  This actually is the same issue that we have been discussing here http://community.jboss.org/message/566220#566220