1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 25, 2010 9:49 AM by ssilvert

    deploy ear before testing




      out package is packaged using an ear file.

      I didn't really find some usefull informations on how to solve this.


      The integration tests in the webmodule tries to execute before the ear module is build and deployed, because the cargo plugin which deploys the application, is configured in the ear module.


      Where do I have to put what? Where should the test classes be? Where should I deploy the application?




        • 1. Re: deploy ear before testing

          I haven't tried this, but perhaps you could set the EAR's test source directory to be inside the WAR's project module.  Then make sure all the Cargo and Cactus stuff executes in the EAR module.  That way the tests would be packaged with the WAR when the WAR is built but the testing would happen during the integration test phase of the EAR.

