1. Re: RichFaces 4 SuggestionBox - what is status?
ilya_shaikovsky Oct 27, 2010 6:50 AM (in response to mettehummel)autocomplete available from M3 and stabilization fixes will be released in M4
2. Re: RichFaces 4 SuggestionBox - what is status?
mettehummel Oct 27, 2010 7:03 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)Does that mean that autocomplete is going to replace suggestionBox?
3. Re: RichFaces 4 SuggestionBox - what is status?
ilya_shaikovsky Oct 27, 2010 7:24 AM (in response to mettehummel) -
4. Re: RichFaces 4 SuggestionBox - what is status?
mettehummel Nov 2, 2010 5:56 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)is layout="table" implemented in Milestone 3 ? I can't get the example with layout="table" to work.
5. Re: RichFaces 4 SuggestionBox - what is status?
ilya_shaikovsky Nov 8, 2010 4:53 AM (in response to mettehummel)<rich:autocomplete mode="cachedAjax" tokens=", " minChars="0"autoFill="false" selectFirst="false" layout="table"autocompleteList="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" fetchValue="#{cap.name}"><rich:column>#{cap.name}</rich:column><rich:column>#{cap.state}</rich:column></rich:autocomplete><rich:autocomplete mode="cachedAjax" tokens=", " minChars="0"
autoFill="false" selectFirst="false" layout="table"
autocompleteList="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" fetchValue="#{cap.name}">
initially rendered fine but I found weird problems at client side and filled issue (thanks!) https://jira.jboss.org/browse/RF-9672
So probably would be better to use something like
<rich:autocomplete mode="cachedAjax" tokens=", " minChars="0"
autoFill="false" selectFirst="false"
autocompleteList="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" fetchValue="#{cap.name}">
#{cap.name} - #{cap.state}
at least for now./
6. Re: RichFaces 4 SuggestionBox - what is status?
enda Mar 10, 2012 11:27 AM (in response to ilya_shaikovsky)Ilya, is there some way to pass the whole object to my method as a parameter? It was possible with RichFaces 3.3, but I do not see a way now.
An example:
<rich:autocomplete mode="cachedAjax" tokens=", " minChars="0"
autoFill="false" selectFirst="false"
autocompleteList="#{capitalsBean.capitals}" var="cap" fetchValue="#{cap.name}">
#{cap.name} - #{cap.state}
<a4j:support event="onselect"
action="#{bean.setCap(cap)}" />
Thank you in advance,
7. Re: RichFaces 4 SuggestionBox - what is status?
enda Mar 10, 2012 3:56 PM (in response to enda)Hi Ilja,
I also tried to use rich:select, although I am getting not what I want. Look over my code bellow:
value="#{currentUser.personInfo.institution}" >
itemValue="#{inst.name}" itemLabel="#{inst.name}" />
<a4j:jsFunction name="suggestInst"
render="instSug instFunc">
<a4j:param name="param1"
The problem with this that I can only get suggestion for samthing that starts with, but this not what most of developers want I want to provide user anythink like %search, but this is not possible with rich:select component. It is only possible with the autocomplete that does have a way to set object (Person, Car, etc). Furthermore, my solution above, would be better if I could render="instVals" but that one does not work.
One statement made for RichFaces 4 is that they cover what was offered Richfaces 3.3 so how do I do this
<a4j:support event="onselect"
action="#{bean.setCap(cap)}" />
with richfaces 4? .